Music in a free table

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1. orion6 ,

Hi everyone, someone could teach me how to put music in my free tables. thanks

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2. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Go to create your own table of free table, because when you want to put stream you must be the master..
And make sure this process requires direct link, the direct link ending with the audio format. You must have an MP 3 or wav file to do it.
If you have the direct link, copy it, go and create your own table of free table, press "Ctrl + P"
Paste the link in the edit box below, then press "OK button"
The music would be played automaticly when you pressed "OK button", if it doesn't working, it means there was an error with audio format, or fake link.

Score: +0

3. BhavyaShah ,

Although Eduin's question has been addressed by Sajad, this brings to mind a pretty severe issue with QuentinC's Playroom - lack of extensive and comprehensive documentation.
There doesn't seem to be detailed instructions on the various keyboard commands of the Playroom client, how to access different areas, panels and settings in it, and doing various actions.
Would you think a proper user manual or guide would be beneficial for the future's potential Playroomers?
If so, a few English speakers should maybe volunteer and collaboratively prepare such documentation.
If there may be interest in this idea, please express it here, and if people are willing tow work on this, I am willing to lend my help too in this endeavour, wherever and whenever possible.
Looking forward to your views and thoughts!
Best Regards,
Bhavya Shah
P.S. While commenting on the need for better documentation, please put yourself in the shoes of new users, with varying levels of expertisee with computer and screen reading at the time they desire to join Playroom, the age of the youngest Playroomers and other such aspects.

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4. CathyAnne,

Well, why would someone want music on a free table? Well, I guess it's just a matter of choice I guess. I personally build my free tables to talk to folks.

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5. Exink,

Well, why would someone want music on a free table? Well, I guess it's just a matter of choice I guess. I personally build my free tables to talk to folks.

Because the free tables make sense for various players when putting music, otherwise they leave you alone. And even in the spanish room, practically you can see free tables all the time.

Score: +0

6. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Well, why would someone want music on a free table? Well, I guess it's just a matter of choice I guess. I personally build my free tables to talk to folks.

As you said, it's a personal choise.
It depends on your desire, and as you wish.

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7. Vojvoda ,

the amazing boy I agree

Score: +0

8. Jeff-Rutkowski,

I do in fact have a list of keystrokes and links to various game rule pages on my webpage.
The direct link is:
Enjoy and feel free to make suggestions as to how I can improve the content.

Score: +0

9. Paddy_Irishman,

also just to add the playroom supports pretty much most formats: mp3, m3u, wav and pls just some

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