Points solution for conference 2

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1. the-raven ,

Hello everybody,
As you know, a lot of people have left throughout the League, and lately we have lost 3 more people in conference 2. In order to solve the problems with the points, we have decided to award people the points for the games that they haven't played yet with those 3 players. Please tell us if you disagree or have any other solutions that you would consider to be better, otherwise we will stick with this solution.
Due to the fact that Krrish has been dealing with a very bad tropical storm, he won't be able to be here next Friday, and we don't know when he will be back. Since I can't be here next Friday either, we therefore have to postpone the matches.
The Uno League team.

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Last edited by the-raven , Feb 22 2016 20:23:34

2. Fawaz,

I think ya its the best thing to do, though i prefer communicating with them first if possible as well.
I wished the league was more stable.
anyway best of luck.

Score: +0

3. basket,

Fact of the matter is that this was our first attempt at a uno league. It was only natural that problems would arise. The lessons we have learned from our first attempt will aid us in any future league endeavors.

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4. ManCity ,

Agree with the post. Am for the points being awarded.

Score: +0

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