Icc camp

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1. Vojvoda ,

hy all i wanted to ask who comes to ICC camp. It's a camp for blind computer users which will take place in dresden, germany I hope i will meet there many of you :)

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2. majoz,

You will probably meet me, I will go to the choosing round in Czech Republic, hope I will come and see you. :)

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3. Vojvoda ,

So more slavic brothers :) great!

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4. sound2,

First time I've heard of it. Unfortunately there isn't such a thing in south africa.

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5. Aminiel,


I went to it four times :

  • 2004 Bern
  • 2005 Budapest
  • 2006 Berlin
  • 2007 Helsinki

INfortunately now I'm too old. But ICC camps were excellent.

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6. Vojvoda ,

infortunatelly I'd like to meet you there :)

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7. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Aminiel you should take me with you to that place. But anyway. :D

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8. Aminiel,

Infortunately I'm too old now. These camps are for people between 15 and 20 years old if it hasn't changed.

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9. afrim,

What is the camp about?

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10. dementress ,

I have not that in mexico, infortunately.

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11. dalimidvecimidvenedali,

Eh, would like to go also, but jully and august are covered by many things like vacations and mainly olympic games... :)

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12. Vojvoda ,

It is about technology presentations of some apps programs and etc I understood so aminiel can correct me if am wrong and infortunately not all countryes will be there

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13. Sajad-Aliraqi,

We had in Iraq! But in Egypt it's available

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14. Vojvoda ,

why dont you have it in iraq?

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15. Sajad-Aliraqi,

I don't know, but you know the circumstances, no one free for these things

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16. bogdanmuresan,

Hi. A few years ago, I also participated to that camp. I was in this camp 3 times in the following countries:Greece, Italy and my country Romania. The workshops are bassed to computers and also comunication. Intercultural, socialise and stuf like that. It was a great experience.

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17. felipe-martinez,

We didn't have this in Mexico

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18. Vojvoda ,

sure abdul

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19. Artemis13 ,

I don't know why is it inportant to write bad words to forum also. I haven't met that person yet, but, how do you know that he's Abdul? And back to the topic, the team who translate Jaws to hungarian, let people to go to this ICC Camp, but people can't go under 18. And this summer will be enough for me. :D If everything goes well, i will go to one camp, and of course to holiday with my family, so... It will be enough. :D

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20. Vojvoda ,

first he is my friend i know his name lol

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21. felipe-martinez,

"sure abdul "

who's Abdul that you talking about?

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22. each-and-everythinh ,

lol when did calling someone abdul became a bad word?

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23. Vojvoda ,

Maybe she wants to insult abdul... however it is her problem and let's stay on this topic and this is ICC camp

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24. Artemis13 ,

Why would i insult anyone? But ok, let's stay in this ICC camp topic. :D

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25. evalinde,

ICC is amazing! Go if you have the chance to. I've been to ICC in Italy in 2011, Romania in 2012, and when it was in the Netherlands last year I visited a few days as well.

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26. majoz,

Oh Evalinde, won't you visit us this year as well? I would be glad to meet you there!

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27. Myszojelen,

The Polish group will surely be there. See you in Dresden! Anyone up for a Playroom tournament leisure time activity like we did in Riga? :)

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28. majoz,

Hell yeach, that would be fun bro! :D

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29. evalinde,

sounds awesome :) but I'm afraid I wont be there this year

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30. Vojvoda ,

Does someone know where ICC will be next year

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