Uno league, Absentees

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1. basket,

Hello Everyone,
this has been a much debated topic amongst us and we have decided on the following procedure at long last. the three absents in a row leaves room for abuse. An example of this would be the following:
If basket knows he has to be away for three weekends in a row to be disqualified, he will not show up for two weeks, be there the third, and will fail to show up the following two weeks and will be there the third and will continue doing this for the duration of the league. to avoid this obvious loophole, we have decided that if anyone is absent for three weeks regardless if they are consecutive, the individual will be removed from the league. We apologize for the late response to this obvious loophole but we hope that this will make it fair, and will aptly award the diligent individuals who take the time to show up for their matches. this is affective immediately.
If you have concerns, questions or comment about this, feel free to voice them here. We also ask that those who are not a part of the league abstain from responding.
the uno league team.

Score: +0

2. Raki,

should have been implemented earlier but, better late than never.

Score: +0

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