Is there anyone from Indonesia? I have some questions.

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1. Giovani ,

Is there anybody from Indonesia?
I have a following questions:
If somebody is Javanese or Balinese, have You willto learn Indonesian, or do You prefer rather English?
There was a message on the internet, that people rather prefer to learn English, not Indonesian language in Indonesia. Is It true?
Indonesians speaks a lots of languages. I don't know.
Also, next:
I would like to learn Indonesian or Malay. This language is same.
And also, why It is about Indonesian, that Indonesian is easy to learn, but hard to master?
Yes, ofcourse Indonesian vocabulary, orthography and grammar is easy to learn, I notice. But, why hard to master?
Thank You very much.

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Last edited by Mayank , Mar 21 2016 21:09:33

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