uno league: Matches for conference 2, final week, Saturday, April 2nd

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1. the-raven ,

  1. MainManUpTop and The-Raven.
  2. Claudiu and Imthechampraki.
  3. The_Revenant and MainManUpTop.
  4. Jeff-Rutkowski and Fawaz.
  5. Cristina-Ioana and Imthechampraki.
  6. Cristina-Ioana and Fawaz (twice).

Mohammad.Aldalain is not a part of the League anymore either.

Score: +0

Last edited by the-raven , Mar 31 2016 17:42:00

2. Maldalain,

Haha, why? I have not been absent for three weeks? If you want to apply the rules then that should be fair enough to be the same for all. I personally know players who have been absent for even more than three weeks and they are still celebrated in the league.

Score: +0

Last edited by Maldalain, Apr 1 2016 08:25:20

3. the-raven ,

well, as we've stated a couple of weeks ago, the rules have been changed. it's not 3 weeks in a row, it's 3 weeks in total, and after last weekend, you've been absent for 3 weeks in total.

Score: +0

4. Maldalain,

What about those who had been absent for even more than three weeks? You make up your own rules and you seem to me very selective in applying them!

Score: +0

5. basket,

This rule has been instated a month and a half ago I believe. Obviously you are very selective in reading the forum as you would've surely seen it if you weren't. To refresh your memory, here's the link.
Thank you.

Score: +0

6. Maldalain,

Passkid, Aha, so Pass kid joint the discussion. Was talking to the supervisor of my conference as far as I think. However, even within that time frame you are talking about I personally know those who skipped the league and they are then to be no longer part of the league. Raven, are you used to finding someone to fight your battles?

Score: +0

7. Lemonade,

Oh wow its a battle now? Cool! starts pelting people with pineapple chunks

Score: +0

8. Maldalain,

I know you both Raven and PassKid might be admins here and you have the full ability to misuse your own and ban me just because of having no other means to prove you're right. Anyway, I enjoyed the league and there's been lots of friends and excellent players whom I did enjoy playing with. Still it was unfair for me to be no longer part of the league in the first few weeks because I just switched to a new account, not letting me having two matches of my scheduled ones with players although I did inform the organisers about my absence and now claiming that I skipped matches for three weeks and not applying the same rule to others. Again, thanks for all, except you, PassKid.

Score: +0

9. basket,

Okay, enough. I showed you the forum post about absent players, but you felt it necessary to drag it out even further. this post is now closed.

Score: +0

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