
8 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

Score: +0

1. musiclover,

are addmins aloud to play a games with play ers

Score: +0

2. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Admins are using the client. It depents on their personal desire if they wants to play or not.
But helpers yes, they do. :)

Score: +0

3. CathyAnne,

Well, I dont' se why they can't play on the client. After all, they work on it.

Score: +0

4. Exink,

Once I saw Anneau-de-Saturne playing with some french people and one talked to me. I don't remember if he won or not... Anyways it's kind of tricky to say to an admin "Hello, would you like to spend little of your time by playing some game with me?" It's likely they turn you down :D.

Score: +0

5. aminelog25,

I remember in the parti of 5 yers of the play room, aminiel was playing with us as well. of course they are allowed, admins are also players aren't they?

Score: +0

6. Sajad-Aliraqi,

That's what I exactly meant.
They are players too, but their standing is admin, helper, or translater. All of those are belongs to the playroom staff
If they don't want to play, it depends on their prestige LOL

Score: +0

7. CathyAnne,

Well, I said before that I don't see why administrators couldn't play with the clients. ai mean, they work on the client themselves.

Score: +0

8. Sajad-Aliraqi,

They work on the client, simultaneously they don't have enough time to spend with playing.
And what if you play with an admin? You wouldn't get a future. As you are playing with any creature.
As any bot, or player but hot. I mean hot while playing.

Score: +0

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