A question

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1. AcaaFaaca ,

Where to find the playrooms help? I cant find it.

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2. Sajad-Aliraqi,

What do you mean. Helpers and entire staff? Or short documentation explaining the playroom.
1. staff: www.qcsalon.net/staff
2 documentation is located into the path of QCG in program files.

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3. AcaaFaaca ,

  1. I am thinking 2
  2. This help is not showing that I nead. Where is the hol help?

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4. Aminiel,

There is no other help document beside the readme pointed out.

We are sorry, terribly sorry; this file is extremely outdated and should be made completely new. Unfortunately, time is laking.

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5. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Really you must start a documentation HTMl file explains the playroom entirely!
I know it takes time, at leest write one part daily. Don't be rushed of posting it.
Compliments and respects

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6. AcaaFaaca ,

Eminiel you Must create a document that contains all of the features! We are not so stupid to press random shortcuts and select randum options.

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7. Aminiel,

Really you must start a documentation HTMl file explains the playroom entirely!

I'm not stupid, I know it since a very long time. But, no time and no real motivation.
I started writing something in french few months ago, but never finishet; then I would have to translate it...

There are definitely much interesting things to do than writing help.

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8. YNWA,

There is nothing to say the 2 of you can't produce your very own unofficial users guide to the Playroom!

I for sure would be very interested in reading it up here on the forum. I am sure you will do a wonderful job and it will be a great experience for both of you. I may even learn something knew!

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9. spaceship,

well you guys know html too, so do i, and its not so hard to code it if one is lazy he can even use microsoft office and noone will notice it if he does not check the source code.
as ameniel rightly said, it will take a lot of time to do it. first of all he is a french person so definitely he would first write it all in french. lol then in english, and then the spanish and russian and german and all languages will start demanding for their language.
of course it would be nice if we had an html file for it all but we all know that as ameniel said there are much more interesting things to do in the meantime and who has the time to do it all when already most of the things people know here.

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10. Cristina ,

Absolutely right what you've said Sondaria.
Moreover we should help each other to figure out what anyone of us doesn't know yet and to stop being too demandin. smile.

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11. AcaaFaaca ,

Really It may be not the html file, It may be even that may be in the text format But describe playrooms features!

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12. spaceship,

Right cristina.
Aka, as I said, html is not the issue. the issue is writing and translating such a long document.
and if you write the help file as well you will have to write most of the things we know already.

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13. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Not important which format. TXT or HTML, importantly and obviously, it takes a longtime to write. And it needs concentration on exploration precisely!

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14. YNWA,

yes it does take time. I have written instructions before. You can practise with something simple that you know well. One example is switching on your computer. What is the first thing you would do? The answer is switch on the power i.e. plug in your computer. Also remember that the person has no idea of what to do or how to do it so write it step by step. Some of the instructions may sound simple and obvious to you but not to the person that is using it for the first time. It is not as easy to write as you may think and I can understand Aminiel finding it a boring task and not of interest to him. As he says he would have issues translating it into English but as I said there is nothing to stop people writing their own unofficial user manual for the PR.

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15. AcaaFaaca ,

Why they don't write in any language and than translate using google translate or simular.

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16. aminelog25,

Because translating using google translate or such things is. Crap

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17. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Let's be professional one time at leest. Who would understand of Google translate. What a shame on Aminiel if he does it. But I am sure he won't do it anymore.

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18. Dayan ,

Well there are some persons on here called translators of playroom, though.

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19. each-and-everythinh ,

documentation is needed , but you can just ask any user who has been here for a bit longer , i'm sure everyone would help. But yeah some of the things really need to be documented , i figured some things out just by doing random things , for example reading and appearance customisations.

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20. sound2,

Lol YMWA, good point. I agree about the reading and appearance it would be interesting to know what some functions did, but otherwise I'm not in a hurry about it. I do agree that writing a help document would take a lot of time and google translate isn't accurate.

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21. AcaaFaaca ,

Yep, but admins must start.

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22. each-and-everythinh ,

just ask and i'll gladly help regarding reading and appearance as i know that some users simply can't understand it

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