Registration for the 2016 cribbage tournament.

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1. Angelina-princess,

Hello everybody!
As you know, we had some tournaments recently and it really was interesting with many participants. & now I have an idea to create a cribbage tournament With some changes.
We need to have 36 participants, each table will have 6 participants in each game. The elimination will be as follows: Round 1, (6 tables with 6 players). The top four players with the highest score at each table move on to the quarter finals. Quarter finals: (4 tables with 6 players) the top three players at each table, with the highest scores moves on to the semi finals. Semi Finals: (2 tables with 6 players) The top three players from each table with the highest scores move to the final round. Final round: ( 1 table with 6 players) The player with the highest score wins the tournament.
(Note that, it will be with individual & no limit time).
This is just my idea and I want us to be challenged with harder counting with 6 players.
First, I would like to get your opinions about this, so please leave your reply here if you r interested in it & we can discuss this more.
I plan to organise this tournament in October 2016.
Thank you & best regards, Angelina!

Score: +0

Last edited by Angelina-princess, Aug 23 2016 03:16:47

2. tranqualimente ,

yea! grate!... good idea! and i wanna b the first person to b count, so! count me in! sign me up! lolololol!

Score: +0

3. Cristina ,

It sounds interesting and i would like to take part in this tournament.
i don't know if you've thought of the scorelimit, but in my opinion this should be lower for the first stage, then to increase it in the next stages.
Good luck and I am looking forward already.

Score: +0

4. cyclone,

hello angelina that sounds like a great idea, so sign me up, smile, please and thanks......cyclone

Score: +0

5. afrim,

It is a great idea, just as every tournament initiative, but don't sign me up, please

Score: +0

6. Epic_Krrish,

yo, I think it's a great idea to try with 6 player game. It will be more fun and we'll be able to mark more points!. good thought hopefully this eventuates.

Regards Krrish

Score: +0

7. Angelina-princess,

hello all.
according to some opinions, we should discuss about score for each match. & I agree that we will increase more scores for the next matches. So, I have idea for this: It will be 155 for the first match. Then will be 234 for quarter-finals, 333 for semi-finals & maybe 444 for the final .
Any opinions please leave here & we can discuss more.
Note that, although we play with 6 & It can be marked more points; but it will be with individual .
Regards, Angelina!

Score: +0

Last edited by Angelina-princess, Aug 24 2016 06:11:44

8. Cristina ,

Why not 166, 233, 366 and 433? smile
Kidding, it's a great idea to play with six players.
I've tested it with bots and figured out that we can take many points in each round.
It will be a huge party and a lot of fun. :D

Score: +0

9. earthquake ,

count me in anji and also my friend mamali

Score: +0

10. blues ,

I want to join, count me in! Score i feel should be the traditional 121

Score: +0

11. sunny,

Hey Angelina, I found your idea interesting. And i would like to play in that tournament as well. So count me in.

Score: +0

12. basket,

Do you have an exact date? I have no idea whether I would even be available to be entered in, and merely stating that it will take place in October is far too vague.

Score: +0

13. Angelina-princess,

Hello, for the exactly date, I must wait for more participation then I will decide it. Because this tournament just could take place when it enough 36 participants.
But I'm sure that it would be took place on Saturday & Sunday, just choose which week.
Anyway,I hope will have more participants.
Best regards, Angelina.

Score: +0

14. Epic_Krrish,

hey Angelina, you have to set the dates now so that participants who will be registering can set that weekend out for this tournament. You just can't decide when you have your 36 players, believe me many will pull out because they will say they have plans etc. SO decide on the dates then try to register players.

Best wishes Krrish

Score: +0

15. The-white-dove,

Agree with Krish. I, for example, would like to take part, but only after knowing the date will registre, if I am available for that particulare weekend.
In any case this tournament is a good idea so good luck in organising it.

Score: +0

16. Angelina-princess,

I will be creating a free table on this particular time to have more views and disscussions , so hope to catch you all there.
I will be creating a free table on this particular time to have more views and disscussions, so hope to catch you all there.

Score: +0

17. blues ,

When are you creating the open table for discussion?

Score: +0

18. basket,

Discussion of what? We're still waiting for an exact date.

Score: +0

19. cyclone,

well angelina, i think the score might be just alittle bit too much......

Score: +0

20. Paddy_Irishman,

great idea but please post dates

Score: +0

21. Angelina-princess,

Sorry all for the late reply.
I was busy for holiday & now I had decision for the exact date of the 2016 cribbage tournament. It will take place on October, 15 & 16.
I will post the rest soon until we get enough participants.
By-the-way, I hope will have more participants & Thanks for your patience.

Score: +0

Last edited by Angelina-princess, Sep 6 2016 11:04:31

22. policeman1,

Hello Angelina, please count me in since I will be the champion!. Thanks for creating the tourney and wish all the best luck!.

Score: +0

23. sunny,

Count me in, princess, angelina.

Score: +0

24. cherry-blossom,

oh count me in for this please Angy, can't wait!

Score: +0

25. Angelina-princess,

Hello all! I'm very greatful to have these as my helpers who will help me in this tournament. those are MagicalKrrish, Aryana & Cristina-ioana. So any questions or queries please do not hesitate to raise it up here or contact us. So get moving and register today.

Score: +0

26. musiclover,

count me in pls

Score: +0

27. Epic_Krrish,

hey guys, just for your information the tournament will take place on the 15 and 16th october at 1400 GMT, 10 A.M. Eastern, 3 P.M. UK, 4P.M. Egypt and 5P.M. Turkey, 8pm Vietnam, 2 am Fiji, 12 AM Australia, 8:30 pm India. The score limits are as follows:
For the elimination rounds the score limit will be fixed to 155 points and for quarter-final it will be 211 and for the semi-final it will be 277 and for the grand final it will be 300 points, so if any queeries or questions don't forget to drop it here or just private message or inbox any of the organisers or helper of this tournament.

So good luck and all the best.
Regards, The Cribbage team.

Score: +0

28. zulfqar007,

hi angelina i wish to participate so count me in plz. in my opinion there should be some time limit for counting points. that may be a minute at best. Regards and best wishes for the tournament !

Score: +0

29. Epic_Krrish,

we did thought of the time limit but we have to be fare with those who haven't got good net, each points is important in cribbage so 2 points can make a huge difference at the end. Therefore, the idea of time limit was dropped. Thanx for raising that issue and also we would like to tell that we got 24 players already signed up, so there are still available spots if you are interested then get your names roll in and please try to inform this to your friends also.

Regards Cribbage tournament team.

Score: +0

30. basket,

Sorry krishy, I do not have any friends so can't inform them.

Score: +0

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