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Score: +0

1. YNWA,

We would like to congratulate Renatto for winning the 2016 Bouillabaisse tournament after coming through some excellent and challenging matches. After having a few challenges ourselves due to Group exchanges and absentees we are delighted to say this tournament proved to be another entertaining tournament. In the end we had 30 different players reprisenting at least 18 different countries. I would like to thank those that showed their patients as we did sometimes had to wait a bit but I think you will agree the waiting was well worth it in the end.

Cherry-Blossom after winning 4 hands in the 1st Round took everything before her in the 2nd Round and things started to Look Rosy for her. The problem with this game is when you are heading in the right direction someone is sure to press the reverse button. In the 3rd round she bounced back to square 1. also In the 3rd round Renatto And Unseenfyre picked up 50 points each so things wern't looking good for each of them. Everything for Serbian was looking great guns untill he picked up the dreaded 200 points leaving him with 205 points after the 4th Round. The 5th as you know always spells danger and it did for Renatto who couldn't avoid another 55 points. Cherry-Blossom was still sitting on a magnificent 0 so had a very good chance of winning.

I when trying to keep Renatto quiet chatted to him about his Beloved AC Milan team in the first Semi-final of the Bouillabaisse tournament and of course reminded him of 2005 when Liverpool produced the comeback of comebacks. Today was Renatto's turn to triamph from a great comeback as he was able to reduce his final score by a magnificent 230 points making him the deserved winner of the 2016 Bouillabaisse tournament! Cherry-Blossom lost 55 more points to have a negative score putting her into 2nd placed. plus Serbian lost many points meaning he finnished 3rd in the competition.

Round #1.

Each trick gives 5 points.

End of Round 1

renatto: 0.
cherry-blossom: 20.
UnseenFyre: 0.
ljilja: 10.
serbian: 5.
sparklingangel: 5.

Round #2.

Each club gives 10 points.

End of Round 2

cherry-blossom has picked all the points of the round !

renatto: 0.
cherry-blossom: -100.
UnseenFyre: 0.
ljilja: 10.
serbian: 5.
sparklingangel: 5.

Round #3.

Each 10 gives 50 points.

End of Round 3

renatto: 50.
cherry-blossom: 0.
UnseenFyre: 50.
ljilja: 10.
serbian: 5.
sparklingangel: 5.

Round #4.

Each jack of diamonds gives 200 points.

End of Round 4

renatto: 50.
cherry-blossom: 0.
UnseenFyre: 50.
ljilja: 10.
serbian: 205.
sparklingangel: 5.

Round #5.

Each trick gives 5 points, each club gives 10 points, each 10 gives 50 points and each jack of diamonds gives 200 points.

At the end of Round 5

renatto: 105.
cherry-blossom: 0.
UnseenFyre: 265.
ljilja: 135.
serbian: 210.
sparklingangel: 165.

Round #6.

Each trick gives 5 points, each club gives 10 points, each 10 gives 50 points and each jack of diamonds gives 200 points, but all these are counted in a negative way.

End of Round 6

renatto: -125.
cherry-blossom: -55.
UnseenFyre: 265.
ljilja: 135.
serbian: 0.
sparklingangel: 100.

renatto is the winner of the game !


  1. renatto: -125.
  2. cherry-blossom: -55.
  3. serbian: 0.
  4. sparklingangel: 100.
  5. ljilja: 135.
  6. UnseenFyre: 265.

We would like to thank everybody who took part in the Bouillabaisse tournament and we are glad many of you enjoyed it. I would also like to thank my fellow hosts Adventure-time and Teardrop for all the work and effort you have both put in.

Thanks everybody.

Adventure-time, Teardrop & YNWA

Score: +0

2. Cristina ,

Congratulations Renatto, well done!
It's good to see a new name among the chanpions.

Score: +0

3. Epic_Krrish,

congratulations, and well done the organisers, thank-you for another great tournament.

Score: +0

4. afrim,

Renatto? Seriously? Is he my friend from Albania? Or is he another Renatto?
Anyway, whoever is this Renatto, I would wish him a big, big congratulation!

Score: +0

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