Hi I'm Pierpaolo Tieri from Italy. I would like to do a question about Serbian language.

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1. OrsoNero ,

Hi everybody, I would like to ask to Serbian people here if does it exist a Serbian grammar in Braille because I would like to learn Serbian language. I've got a lot of Serbian friends and I would like to comunicate with them. Thanks in advance, Pierpaolo Tieri.

Score: +0

2. Vojvoda ,

Hi, yes it exist contact me private and I will be glad to help you with serbian language

Score: +0

3. OrsoNero ,

Hi Gerilac you can add me on skype manager.tieri or here on playroom and pierpaolotieriofficial@gmail.com my e-mail address. Thanks in advance, Pierpaolo Tieri.

Score: +0

Last edited by OrsoNero , Oct 19 2016 20:46:19


hi paolo I think we've meated on Teamtalk yet.

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