Lifeline Games.

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1. Erron_BlackUlisesMonge ,

Hi people!
Someone had played the Lifeline games for iOS and Android? What do you think of them? I played every one but Lifeline Whiteout, that one is inaccessible with VoiceOver, and 3 Minute Games don't answer if they can make it accessible

Score: +0

2. TowerAlphaTheta15,

i hate that lifeline white out is inaccessable

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3. jason83 ,

the lifeline whiteout is completely inaccessible.

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4. Erron_BlackUlisesMonge ,

I have contacted Big Fish games and they said that they passed the request and that multiple people have asked for that, maybe if you too contact them we can we can do it, make the game accessible

Score: +0

5. Sylphrena,

Haha. That's a generic answer, the message you should be getting is "we forwarded that request along with thousands of others and you can make sure that no one actually cares enough to change the whole design/infrastructure to make it accessible just for a few people".

Let me know if you have any other dreams that I can crush.

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6. Erron_BlackUlisesMonge ,

Unfortunately, they don't care of this. And I think that theres nothing to do

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7. yusuke-urameshi,

Hey: of what is that game?

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8. Erron_BlackUlisesMonge ,

They are mobile gamebooks

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