If twitter and skype and mobile numbers, why not playroom user names?

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1. MuhammadHajjar,

Hi all,
There're already topics about twitter names, skype names and mobile numbers. So I made this topic so we can all share our playroom user names. Rofl, rofl, rofl, rofl, :D hahahahahahahahaha. Really, no comment. So let's start: my user name is? ... guess it and you'll win the big prize.

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Last edited by MuhammadHajjar, Dec 1 2016 11:17:21

2. Vojvoda ,

My username is God00000

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3. Epic_Krrish,

well this is becoming spams over the forums? or should I say, bullshit? Bs big time!

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Last edited by Epic_Krrish, Dec 1 2016 12:58:06

4. Vojvoda ,

It is, but it is not that idiotic like space-rage's thousants ofnew games

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5. MuhammadHajjar,

Well guys, this has been meant to be a joke, not a spam or something like that. Lots of people know that I'm one of those who hates spamming and treats them strictly. I'm really sorry if people are considering this as a kind of spam, I've just posted this for fun :D. So please, don't be that harsh who doesn't accept anything. I repeat my apologies again.

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6. Riad,

well that topic can be good for people who change their nicknames once per month so that we know who is each one, or at least we should know who is a certain someone by any mean, like adding the option to write your real name so that people know you when you change your playroom username, or by automated/admin messages saying that X's username has been changed to Y.

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7. YNWA,

An Automatic generated message for people on the friends list of the person with a new username is a good idea and has been suggested before.

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8. basket,

Just, no. It won't kill you to ask the person who he or she is or was. Simple.

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9. Vojvoda ,

A bit of work on this platform would be good

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10. Oana-tN,

i saw topix like iif twiter and skype, why not...
but well. these are funny. space-rage's ones aren't

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11. Exink,

Well, as Riad said, this one specially mite be useful speaking about nickname changes or to sheir previous ones. There is a similar topic in the spanish forom, buy the way. Rofl I'm testing righting by phonetics, don't no if someone has noticed it. LL.

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12. ruray,

in the spanish comunity no are crazy :D here too :D

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13. Exink,

You can find all kinds of people assuming that the most part are not from english-speaking countries; same thing happens in the french server. But well, getting back to the subject: what's next? Discussing about favorite games? lL.

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14. Vojvoda ,

Would be actualy good.

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15. Oana-tN,

favourite games are good, etc. but well, you never know, when a mad ideea will come, and a player, will aply that.

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