Girls-boys uno tournament

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1. His-girlfriend ,

Hello all. I have an idea, to create a tournament which can show us who is stronger in uno here, girls or boys. The main rull will be to play in couples girl-boy and one fo them will gain a point for his/her team. If the number of points will be the same, all girls play together, and all guys, and winners play together to decide which group is a winner. The tournament could take a place 25/26 of february. If somebody would be interested, please let me know here or on prv. We will see if we have enough of participants, though even 4 is enough :D I am also going to take a part. Greetings to all.

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2. policeman1,

I do not know if i qualify cause am a man so am not a boy.

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3. His-girlfriend ,

Haha, if only you want to play you are qualified, just let me know :D No matter how we call it it is just a sexual war! :D

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4. policeman1,

sure why not .

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5. His-girlfriend ,

Welcome on board then

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6. Vojvoda ,

I am innnnnnnnnnn

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7. His-girlfriend ,

Great, so we are 4 now, me and 3 guys, girls, girls, comeeeeeee! :D

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8. YNWA,

what about those that are unisex?

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9. His-girlfriend ,

They can choose to which team they want to belong :D

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10. YNWA,

Will male and female bot teams be allowed to enter too?

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11. Lemonade,

The rules are a little bit confusing to me, but... Why the hell not! Lets own this!

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12. His-girlfriend ,

Once again I explain rules then. There are two groups, girls and guys. Lets say there are 5 girls and 5 boys. They play in couples. Any win is one point to one of groups, if a girl wins, girls get one point. In the end we look who won more points, so different words, who was winning more often, girls or boys. If there is the same number of points, we do final game which is 5 girls at one table and 5 boys at one table, and winners of that table fight for a winning point. Is it clearer?

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13. Vojvoda ,

Everyone is with us so boys are winners, hope we will get Adventure-time and Dalibor too

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14. Epic_Krrish,

Well no offence but Boys play uno more than girls in the playRoom and I just hope you get enough girls to pair up with the boys here.
Count me in!

Regards Magical. (Mk).

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15. policeman1,

yaorganizer your odds are very slim!.

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16. Angelina-princess,

Come on girl. That's a great idea. & let me try?
Good luck to girls. :)

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17. Maldalain,

OK count me in why not!

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18. Vojvoda ,

Count Dalibor too, he said he wants to participate

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19. His-girlfriend ,

Allright people, all wrote down. Welcome Angelina, if you could please ask some more girls if they don't want to participate, I still hope we can manage.

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20. afrim,

It's so sad I can't take part!

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21. Angelina-princess,

yes, of course girl. But it just depend on the time. I'll tell my friends.
Hope everything is fine. :)

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22. Carinchen,

I am intrestet too. I only wanna know, which rules will be enabled? And when should the turnament took place?

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23. Vojvoda ,

Probably it will be played with 2 and 4 rules, bluffs interceptions and super interceptions :)

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24. Carinchen,

i would join without interceptions and straiks

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25. ahmat.20,

I would like to join as well just let me know the time.

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26. Mayana,

I will join. The problem is though, I suck at uno. And the guys team will have all the best uno players. No afence, but this will be the most unfare competition on pr I think. :)

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27. Vojvoda ,

Get Estrelavega and Marina so you will have at least small chance to beat one of us :P

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28. Epic_Krrish,

Hey Mayana,

You can be the cheer girl (pomPom girl) that way you'll be able to distract the boys. Trust me many boys will lose if you perform cindrella dance!

Graphic Tongue emoticon

Regards MK

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29. Mayana,

MK, while your idea is nice for that I think I would have to get all the guys in one place. And a dance isn't quite so interesting if people can't see it, you know? I think I'll leave it to badgirl, she is bad, after all.

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30. YNWA,

I think it would be good to here Krrish dance especially with his two left feet! Who knows Aminiel may be able to use the interesting sound effect when Krrish trips over one of his feet for say pick up 4? It could be renamed pick up Krhrhrhrhrhrhrhish!?

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