The groups for the spades tournament

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Score: +0

1. Cristina ,

Hello my dears!

The draw for the spades tournament has been done yesterday
Unfortunately just few players have been there to choose a number for their team. Therefore we have given randomly to the other teams, those numbers which were not chosen. Then we have rolled the dices to form each group.
These are the groups:

  1. Policeman1 and Cherry-blossom
  2. Desire and Genti
  3. Mogosov and Denizbalkan
  4. Farhan and Sunny


  1. Serbian and Dzoni
  2. Marina7 and Fawaz
  3. Chips and Betsy
  4. Ilhan and Bursaliefee


  1. Vojvoda and Bastibasti
  2. Anabell and Aurel
  3. Alesia and Furki
  4. Andkuk and Kokolo


  1. Efsun and Earthquake
  2. Angelina-princess and Duchess
  3. Snowflake and Ynwa
  4. Sopralto and Laila-Ali

The teams from every group will play each other, therefore one team will play 3 matches. But each team can choose how many matches can play saturday, when the tournament will begin.
Two the best team from each group will qualify to the quarter.
Note: The best two teams from each group will be those who will have more victories and highest score.
In quarter the mathes will be as follow:
The winner team 1 from group A will play the winner team 2 from the group B, the winner team 1 from group B will play the winner team 2 from the group A and it will be the same for the group C and D.
In the semi-final will be:
the inner team 1 of the quarter will play the winner team 4 and the winner team 2 will play the winner team 3.
Then final.
The matches of the groups will be played saturday and sunday if some people will request this, then the matches of the quarter, semi-final and finall will be played sunday.
There will be more tables where the matches will be played simultaniously and we'll decide at that time who will host each of them.
The score limit will be fixed to 300 for the groups, for the quarter will be 350, for semi-final 400 and for final 450 points.
There are few players on the standby list and if a player won't turn up on time then they will be replaced accordingly to the list.
For further queries or questions please feel free to write them here or you can contact Anabell or me through Private messages and permanent messages.
Good luck to all of you and let's see who will be those teams who will continue their way to the final.
Kind regards, Anabell and Cristina!

Score: +0

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