1k miles tournament

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1. Peggy_Bella420,

Hello all, I have been wanting to do a 1k miles tournament for quite some time now and wasn't sure when but what about next Saturday afternoon at 2pm central time? I was thinking to play in teams if there's enough interest. The end score would be for 5000. Please let me know if you're interested or anyone has any questions.

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2. Carinchen,

1000 Miles is nice. Whats central time. I am from germany and there it is 06:26 now.

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3. Peggy_Bella420,

I believe that would be 8pm in Germany and the rest of Europe. Also Sunday would actually be a better day still same time though.

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4. Oana-tN,

what's the time in united kingdoms. i ussually look at the time of the tournament using u k time, so

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5. Vojvoda ,

Yeah, our orientation should be UK time. And I think it should be maybe team tournament and we could maybe make skype conference while playing. It could Take interests of more people and should be more fun.

Score: +0

6. YNWA,

20:00 in Germany would be 19:00 UK time. For romania 21:00 and now I have learnt in Turkey it is 20:00.

If the tournament weeks change then don't forget the clocks change soon. I think it is the last Sunday in the month when we go from GMT to BSt british summer time so the nights will get longer.

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7. Peggy_Bella420,

I believe the UK and other parts of Europe are 6 hours ahead of central time.

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8. Slim_Shady,

So 2pm central time would be 7pm in London and 8pm in Berlin. Skype is a great idea and would like to be in the tourn.

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9. Peggy_Bella420,

so everyone who's replied so far, are you guys potential people for the tournament?

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Last edited by Peggy_Bella420, Mar 13 2017 02:42:19

10. Vojvoda ,

Yeah I am in

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11. Peggy_Bella420,

I am thinking of doing 2 teams of 6 players each. Girls vs boys so I need even genders on both sides. Also need 1 spectator, ref, and a person to host each table. Any further questions or people of interest, please let me know on this.

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12. Carinchen,

I am probably in too. but not sure....

Score: +0

13. bloodsharp ,

i would like to be in this tornament

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14. Peggy_Bella420,

all right cool

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15. TowerAlphaTheta15,

would like to be in the tornament too

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16. LadyJMariposa,

I am really interested, may I join? I would be glad!

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17. Peggy_Bella420,

Yes you may join. So we now have a total of 6 girls and 4 guys. We need 2 more guys to put forth interest here then the teams will be even.

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18. ionutbogdan,

Count me in!

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19. ConoShikaTo,

wanna join too!

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20. Carinchen,

I can't give guarantie that i can join

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21. Jeff-Rutkowski,

Count me in as well. I will be there before 2:00 PM Central time.

Score: +0

22. Peggy_Bella420,


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23. RedQueen ,

Sidenote: There will be three game tables, each containing two teams of two. At each table, a team of two females will be paired against a team of two males as determined by the draw.

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24. Peggy_Bella420,

So there will be three tables for the teams and it will look like this: table 1: JudyLove and BachEnthusiast VS itchy&scratchy and slavista; table 2: oana tn and Snowflake VS Bigbeast and jeff; and finally table 3: Vojvoda and Basti Basti VS musiclover and LadyBellatrix

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Last edited by Peggy_Bella420, Mar 15 2017 07:37:48

25. Carinchen,

I can join probably too count me in as a joker or so

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26. Peggy_Bella420,

Just to clarify for all the contestants and anyone eelse involved, 2:00pm central time is 3pm eastern time, 8pm UK time, 12:00pm pacific standard time, and 9pm German time.

Score: +0

27. BachEnthusiast,

Sweet. I am looking forward to this!

Score: +0

28. Peggy_Bella420,

Hello everybody, tomorrow which is Sunday March 19, there will be the 2nd match for the 1k miles tournament. For the first match today the winning scores are as follows: girls : 5725 and boys: 5975.

That being said: tomorrow there will again be 3 tables with 3 members each so the teams will be: table 1: JudyLove , BachEnthusiast, sam69; table 2: Snowflake, itchy&scratchy and slavista; and table 3 will be: jeff, musiclover and bellatrix. So, whichever team reaches the high score of 5975 will be declared the winning team. If there is a tie, than the the 2 remaining teams will go on to a 3rd match until there is one team left. The times again for this second match are: 2pm central time which translates to 12pm Pacific Standard time, 3pm eastern time, 8pm for the Check Republic, Ireland, and London. Look forward to seeing all players there.

Score: +0

29. BachEnthusiast,

Hi! I am super excited. So, who will be the game master for our table?

Score: +0

30. Peggy_Bella420,

Hello all,
So, some of you may have forgotten, there were a total of two matches, one yesterday the 18th and one today the 19th of March. So based on that information, here are the scores from both days.
Yesterday the girls' team's final score was 5725 and the boys final score was: 5975 very close scores indeed. Today the guys surpassed their high score from yesterday so with the 3 boys team they scored a total of 29075 and the 3 girls teams scored a total of 13275. So, congratulationsv everybody!

Score: +0

Last edited by Peggy_Bella420, Mar 19 2017 12:11:00

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