3 d volisity

82 messages, 3 pages:  12 3 ↖ Go back to topic list

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31. TowerAlphaTheta15,

your added, join it, and then, we'll start

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32. george,

I want download this game, i dont know. Please add me, help me

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33. Wiam ,


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34. george,

This is an email addres, what i must do do frient?

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35. bloodsharp ,

doo you have the version of derect x to play it installed

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36. george,

no, man, i dont what i must to write to wiams

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37. TowerAlphaTheta15,

listen hear guys! if! people will just hang on, i've only got one pair of hands! after all! but yes, emails, if you want, i'll add you to the folder i've got with storm, and then, i'll upload everything!

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38. george,

yes, i want to play, add me, but i dont have setup of 3d voly city.

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39. StormProductions,

Okay, I've got that DirectX thing. Can you please now upload the setup of the game too?

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40. TowerAlphaTheta15,

it's a zip, but it's in, data and all

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41. dzoni ,

Add my too

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42. TowerAlphaTheta15,

i need your email, and then, i can do it, please post hear, or, you know what you can do? you can add me to friends

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43. Areyana,

hey what is this game may i have it too?

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44. TowerAlphaTheta15,

if you want the link, i'll post it to the client of the game, mind, you'll need a certain version of direct exe, which i have, if you want, if you've got dropbox, send me a pm with your email, and i'll add you the shared folder with all the components in it

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45. Nikola,

What's all that complicating in this topic? Can't you just share the links instead of making like a folder for 2 files?

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46. TowerAlphaTheta15,

no, because the direct exe doesn't work for some stupid reason

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47. Nikola,

What do you mean by it doesn't work? All this does is sound suspicious to me. The game is open source, everything you need is definitely on the github page.

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48. TowerAlphaTheta15,

when you try the link i gave to the forum, it doesn't bring it up, and i don't know about github, i just used the archive

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49. Nikola,

Too bad, maybe it will bring it down.

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50. TowerAlphaTheta15,

look, the things on github doesn't work! the sight's down! it can't get the file it needs! so the only way is, to get it yourself! either from dropbox, or, from a download place, which i don't know!

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51. Nikola,

So, are you trying to tell me that this link isn't working? https://github.com/munawarb/Three-D-Velocity

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52. TowerAlphaTheta15,

it might work, but, i don't know, if it does, wherever they go, they'll get the thing, TSA out

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53. HeadphoneJack,

as the matter of fact link does work, and, as the-supreme-AI just said, are they going to get from a dropbox folder or from giffub is of no inportance

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54. TowerAlphaTheta15,

nice to hear you've got it, want the client? t s a out

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55. Nikola,

Of course it's not important where they get it from, but there are at least 2 reasons for sharing a link instead: 1. It will always have the latest version, unlike a db folder where someone posts a random version which can be very outdated. 2. Not everyone wants to share their email publicly.

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56. TowerAlphaTheta15,

now you listen hear, if someone shares their email, they've dicided to do it, so it's "their" dicision, so like i said, i told the people to add me to friend and send me a pm, so yeah, on the other hand, while your reason does make sense, dropbox updates the file when you update something, t s a out

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57. bloodsharp ,

well you won't find about it for a while and the website will have the latest version straight away so its better to use the website

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58. TowerAlphaTheta15,

ok guys, if people have got the direct exe, if you want the client post hear, sorry for my rudeness of last post, was just that i got angry with the previous poster, and, well, anyway

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59. StormProductions,

sure give me the client as I saw in the dropbox folder you've added a strange folder that I can't get to work with.

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60. dzoni ,

Or you add me to drovox?

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