Wiki Pioneer, a View of the Entrepreneur World

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1. canada ,

Wiki Pioneer:
Hello Everyone,
While searching the internet, I had the idea to create a Wiki dedicated to entrepreneurs.
Unfortunately, these guides are often in other languages, not complete, not up to date, etc. Many factors that make research difficult for future entrepreneurs, mentors and coaches.
My goal is to rank these articles by country and to help the biggest number of people.
Here are the posts that will be available (in order of importance):

  • Writing: writes articles;
  • Moderation: checks articles and the platform for which it is responsible;
  • Administration: help with the management of the architecture, the server, etc. (3 members, currently 2);
  • Spokesman: speak about the project with others;
    We also need a chef for each platform, language&country.
    Note: This project will be part of the GWSphere group.
    Thank you!

Score: +0

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