Questions About the Eternal Second

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1. qball42,


I don't know if this is the appropriate place to ask this question, but I am curious about the game called The Eternal Second. It looks very interesting but I can't find rules on it anywhere, even after some Google searches.

I can tell that tricks are won by the seocnd most powerful card, but what is the object of the game? How does the scoring work? IF anyone can point me to instructions or has answers to these specific questions, I'd appreciate it.

Score: +0

2. Nikola,

Greetings, first of all, of course it's completely appropriate to ask such questions on the forum and get help about the platform. Second, about the game, the reason you were not able to find any rules on Google is because originally, this game was created as a 1st April joke by the developer himself and was later removed. However, due to popular demand the decision was made for the game to be put back, but rules were not written yet. You can find more information about how the game is played in the post 3 of the following topic, located at
good luck.

Score: +0

3. qball42,

Thank you! Those are very well written instructions. That's a very clever, crazy game.

Score: +0

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