Braille Output on Platform

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1. Maldalain,

Is there any way we'I can get braille output while playing using NVDA?

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2. Sajad-Aliraqi,

I don't know if there is a way but my question is. Why would somebody need braille if there is a screen reader. It just seems useless to me.

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3. Fawaz,

1 game i find braille useful is little exam.
anyway its matter of preference sometimes u just don't want speach or simply can't use speach.
my braille display is outputting whatever i read but he means like the announces that screenreader does when you're in the menu like without checking the history feed.

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4. Maldalain,

Braille is not useless, for me at least. Well, for example when you play Scopa you don't get any feedback for what the bot or the other opponent has played of cards. The same applies for any other game.

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5. Jeff-Rutkowski,

Braille serves many useful purposes. For one, a player can check the spelling of words such as some of the categories used in "Little Exam" that the speech mispronounces. Example: "Metal with <letter>" where the speech says something like "Maytle with <letter>" that occasionally trips people up if they rely only on synthesized speech.
Other than the spelling issues, there isn't much need to use Braille unless one relies exclusively on such output because of either hearing loss or other disabilities.

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6. Nikola,

Note that in the latest update, metal was properly fixed. If you find any errors like that where you find the meaning completely different, feel free to report them in the translation errors topic, that is after all the primary reason why it was created. With that message, I'm not trying to say anything against those who enjoy reading braille, just giving the information. I'm personally slow at braille so rarely use my display, but hopefully something can be done to improve the braille support for those who do use a braille display actively.

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7. Alan1003,

actuly, it is just not the window title, it is all real, input boxes, real, the menu, in a list, so, yeah, you have always been able to use braille, no nvda control client, or key hook, so yeah. it can also be seen on the screan, so it is always have been a posibility to read/write in braille.

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8. Nikola,

This is of course correct, but what the original poster is trying to point out is that the incoming history messages do not flash on the display. For example, let's say that you are playing a card, the message which notifies you of that does not show up on the display if I understood it correctly. Those are in fact sent to the screen reader.

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9. Alan1003,

oh! i tried to use this web client on my braille note touch, but no history, speech or braille.

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