Did you make that bot cry?

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1. Sajad-Aliraqi,

Hey all locked downers.
What was the name of that bot that you make cry? Til you felt sorry for your neighbors for hearing it wheep hard?
For me, and as of today, sincere condolences to Porcelain duck, getting kicked by me on 99 in just one round. Au'mayzing isn't it

Score: +0

2. Jahreindota,

what is it? what did i miss..

Score: +0

3. Jeff-Rutkowski,

Believe me, I have beat the crap out of various bots on games like Monopoly where they landed on my Majenta property with a hotel, resulting in them paying me over five thousand dollars in rent.
I may come off as being too nice when I play games like this because I firmly believe everyone deserves a chance at winning, even the bots.

Score: +0

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