Tournament of Ninety Nine game

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Score: +0

1. afrim,

Hello everybody,
The school will be starting within a few days, and for a period of time I think we will not be much free to play and talk to each other.
Me and my friend Stenaldo, are thinking to organize the first tournament of 99, a very popular game among playroom users.
The tournament will be held on Wensday and thursday the 20th of august 2014, and the 21st of August 2014. eastern time: 12:00 PM, in European countries, certainly in UK, Ireland, 5:00 PM, Turky and some other countries: 7:00 PM
Netherlands, Germany, Italy, France, and other countries like Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzekovina, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro and Albania: 6:00 PM
Other countries like bahrein, Egypt, and parts of Saudi Arabia: 7:00 PM

The tournament will consist of 24 players divided into groups. Each group with four players, and six groups in total.
Here is how will it work.
In the first matchups, each player will have to deal with all participants and for every group, two will be eliminated.
So, only 12 players will go in the next rounds. This will lead to divide again the twelve qualified players into four groups.
In the next Matchups, 4 players will be eliminated, certainly 1 player per group. So in this way we will go to quarterfinals, with eight players and two groups created by the qualified players.
And so on, as usual, semifinals with 4 players, and final with two players.

Here are some of the rules which will help all us to make this tournament better and help players concentrate and enjoy much more the games.

• Every player must show up on time on the tournament, or if he or she doesn’t show will be replaced, or if we do not find any player, it will be automatically eliminated.
• No chat or spam during the game, this will lead us to take any action which will prevent you from playing the game.
• Do not offend or insult your opponent. This is totally disrespectful, impolite and immatureness.
• If you have connection problems, and that will not allow you to play, we will wait, but not postpone the game.
Other things should go without saying and we will do our best to make this tournament much funnier and enjoyable.

We have already found the 24 players, but if anyone doesn’t show up, please comment on this post or contact me on playroom if you want to be part of the tournament.

We hope everything will go well and hope to be a great and enjoying time for everyone. This is a tournament made just for fun, and not made under any purpose or prize.

Thank you for participating and wish to all a good luck!

Score: +0

Last edited by afrim, Aug 18 2014 22:01:01

2. Stenaldo,

Great bro, Verry nice so!

Score: +0

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