The Best Congratulations To Ahmed, The winner of the small tournament of 99!

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1. afrim,

Ahmed was the winner of the 99 tournament, obviously the best player who passed away all the other players part of the tournament.
Thanks to all those people who made this small and not so interesting tournament better, and regrets to all them who left and made this tournament go bad.
However Afrim will never be a tournament holder again. This is because some people do not have many qualities to join a tournament.
All those who were part of the 99 tournament held by me know what I am talking about. So next time, please, possibly and necessarily respect the rules that we apply if you want to be part of a tournament again.
If many of the competitors have had a little patience, discipline and respect for the others, this tournament would have gone very well and we all would have had enjoyed it.
This is the reason why I wouldn't like to spend my precious time again and spend a lot of energy knowing that it will go wrong again. But if anybody any day would like to hold a tournament again, I would be ready to help, but never hold it myself.
So good luck to another tournament, and hope it will go better for everyone who organizes it.

Score: +0

2. Lemonade,

For those of you who care, it was me who was merrily slaughtered in the final against Ahmed. He had 7 pennies remaining, but I ended up losing 8 or 9 of them in a row. The final started out with both players having 15 pennies. Unfortunately it really wasn't as close as some of the other matches I played. Oh well, better luck next time I suppose. Congrats to Ahmed

Score: +0

3. afrim,

You did a very good job and also showed that you were one of the best players as well. But, we have to keep in mind that this is a game depended on luck, and a little strategy, so each one who perfectly knows the rules can win. Anyway thanks for your participation. Good luck on other tournaments.

Score: +0

4. Raki,

For those of you who obviously don't care, I also was slaughtered by ahmed in the semi's. haha.
This guy had majic cards that day!

And Afrim, thanks for organizing.

Score: +0

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