gems on crazy party

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1. QueenTammyTheFirst,

hello everyone, just an idea that i thought of for crazy party. wouldn't it be great if when you get to a certain amount of gems, you can unlock all of the mini games from all of the worlds. the reason i thought of this, is because i am absolutely crap at the maths games and type the numbers as i am not so confident of where all of the numbers are placed. what does everyone think of my idea? thanks for reading

Score: +0

2. Nikola,

That would unfortunately probably just make the game too easy. It would be pointless if you could just unlock all games with no effort. The most you can do is after beating all worlds at least once, attempt to unlock a minigame with 25 gems. What this will do is give you a world with about 10 games you did not unlock yet so you can attempt to do it. However, as you are struggling in math games you won't need that, since they are right at the start of the intellectual world. They should not be too terrible, only require a bit of practice. However, if you really can't do that but want to have them for some reason, you can pass your save file and i could do it, then return it back. I don't personally see the point in that though since if you get them online you will fail anyway, but it's your choice in the end.

Score: +0

3. facelessghost,

I think that unlocking in this way will be easy for the wallets.
But to blow gems for those players who intentionally leaves the game is worth it.
sometimes it’s very disappointing when you almost finished playing, and the player just left without any reason.
And I have such a question.
in what cases can I see the item in the treasury "try to unlock mini-games"?
for 20 gems?
I do not have it.
And I can’t adjust the number of rounds and health.
in full detail.
only from 30 60 90 and so on.
but in order it is not possible.

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4. Fawaz,

you have to unlock all worlds to get the option in rewards room.
And i am happy to helpt to unlock any game as well if anyone needed.

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5. facelessghost,

It seems to me that I have all the worlds unlocked!
But if you can help me a little bit! I'll be very grateful to you!
How can I contact you, dear Fawaz?

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6. QueenTammyTheFirst,

yeah thanks, how can i send you my save.bin file?

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7. Fawaz,

just pm me when i am online :)
and you can check if you have all of them unlocked from view stat option.

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8. facelessghost,

I'm sorry, I mixed up!
I have almost all worlds open, but one is not open.
but how do you know what kind of world you need to start passing in order to open the last world?
Thanks for the help and answer in advance!

Score: +0

9. Alan1003,

hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! i can not compleet the castel's wall game! i ned someone help!`

Score: +0

10. Fawaz,

there was a page somewhere explaining how to get to each world, but if you can say which world you need to open may be we can help you how to get there.
about castle wall, mainly try to walk on top, it isn't a tough game.

Score: +0

11. Alan1003,

all i wana do is open all of them, or just hav a minygame party, i am as blind_person) and it starts at -20 points, how am i suposed to get more than 0?

Score: +0

12. facelessghost,

Hello everyone!
I have the following worlds open:
valley, castle, forest, underground, beach, factory, circus, height, volcano, intellectual, darkness, desert, ice, city, plain and space.
I’ll say right away that other players helped me discover the worlds!
My only goal is to unlock some additional features. I will be very happy if you can tell what world you need to open, and what world you need to start playing in order to stumble upon the last not open world!
You probably think that I did not try, but it is not! there is always a mini-game where I do not have enough skill, and I can not pass it with dignity!
Thanks for the help in advance!

Score: +0

13. Qais,

You need to unlock the playroom, you can unlock it from the factory.

Score: +0

14. facelessghost,

Thank you very much for the information!
I will try to go through this world with good results!
Frisbee is not complicated, but vseravno electric overtake me, even when I move according to the instructions.

Score: +0

15. Qais,

You don't need to play electric games, just Frisbee, then go to east.

Score: +0

16. Alan1003,

Your score is -13 points! Your score is -13 points! Your score is -13 points! hurrayyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

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17. facelessghost,

If I do not pass all the minigames of this world, then I cannot open the last world.
My best Frisbee result was -1.

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18. Qais,

There are two paths in this world, you need to go in one path.
therefore, you don't need to play all the games in this world.

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19. facelessghost,

I believe you, but you definitely saw 2 ways?
I know that if you score 20 points in any mine game in the world, 2 ways open.
And you say that if I just begin the passage of the world, there are already two ways available from the beginning?
Do I understand you correctly?

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20. Qais,

You will get two paths after the Frisbee game, even if you don't get 20 points in this game, good luck.

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21. Alan1003,

what is awith my problem! i always get -13 to -12 points, very, time i mean every time

Score: +0

22. Fawaz,

told you, you have to clime the staighrs and walk up on top.

Score: +0

23. facelessghost,

Thanks to everyone who helped and suggested how and what to do!
It finally happened!
I opened the game room.
and play new even more exciting mine games.
I really don’t understand how to play the Crazy Crazy game
I got to the letters c then r a z y.
but as it was minus 20, it remains!
In general, I figured out!
Thank you all again for your help!

Score: +0

24. Fawaz,

You have to walk on letters without walking on others means:
you walk on them in order, memorize their places, then go to c if r not next to c walk up or down then walk to left or right when you are at place of r walk down or up one step to get to r and so on until you complete the word crazy.
you have to do that 4 times to get 20.

Score: +0

25. facelessghost,

Hello everyone and good mood!
Tell me, is it possible to unlock the settings of mine games and rounds?
for example, you can choose rounds in order 1, 2, 3, etc., as well as health not 30 60 90, but in order.
for example 45 points.
and is it possible to unlock the settings in such a way that instead of 15, mine of games I could put 10 or even less?
Thanks for the answer in advance, and interesting gaming discoveries to everyone!

Score: +0

26. Fawaz,

I couldn't understand your question well,
but you cannot do battles with like 45 health, it goes like 30 60 etc..
many games you have more choices but micro you have like 1 to 60 any number.
some people used to do micro and apply that settings to minigames but not sure if that bug still there.
but yes you can unlock settings for minigames 10 rounds and more but will be 15 20 etc.
good luck.

Score: +0

27. facelessghost,

Thank you for your help!
you got it right!
I apologize for not expressing my thoughts in English very clearly!

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