Uno Tournament Winner!

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Score: +0

1. Raki,

Hello again guys,

Another uno tournament has come to an end, and it was fantastic!
First of all, a huge congratulations to ricolachen, who wan it all!
He beat call-me-maybe in the first round, Uwishuwereiyaz in the second, Fawaz in the quarters, Sikicigonzales in the semi’s, and finally, Guliwer in the finals.

A big congratulations has to go out to guliwer also, he just came up short in the finals.
The score of the final game was:
Guliwer: 674.
Ricolachen: 413.
On a score limit of 599.

Congrads to Sikicigonzales and Can96, both made it to the semi’s but lost against Guliwer and Ricolachen.
Sikicigonzales and Ricolachen’s semi final match was, without a doubt one of the best Uno match I have ever seen on this playroom. Props to you both.

A big thanks to uwishuwereiyaz for all the help he gave me in this tournament.

Overall, this was an amazing tournament, with several favorites getting knocked out early in the tournament.
Thank you very much to everyone who joined and made this tournament a lot of fun!

I’m not sure when the next tournament will be, but there will definitely be another one.
Best of luck to everyone! And congrads to Ricolachen again!
Till the next time, bye for now.

Score: +0

Last edited by Raki, Sep 1 2014 00:01:01

2. Call-Me-Maybe,

congrads to Ricolachen! :)

Score: +0

3. Lemonade,

Congrats! I'm really quite sad some technical and RL issues prevented me to play the quarter finals, but it was a great experience and I'm hoping to be able to finish it next time I participate. Plus I've had lots of fun, and played an epic match against Estrellavega I won't forget anytime soon.
Thanks Raki for organizing another tournament and once again congrats to Ricolachen.

Score: +0

4. Fawaz,

First of all congratulations Rico for this victory!
Secondly, my warm thanks to you guys for organizing this tournament and for well dealing with it.
and finally i wish the best for next one and good luck for all in it :)
congrats again Rico,
best regards!

Score: +0

5. Raki,

Appreciate all the thanks guys; it’s my pleasure doing this. I enjoy it.

Score: +0

6. afrim,

congratulations to ricolachen, and good luck to the next one.

Score: +0

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