My playroom soundpack is back!

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1. StormProductions,


I don't know how many of you remember that I created a sound pack for the Playroom.
I decided to make another thread here about this sound pack, in case anyone has suggestions, or found problems in it.
Please test this sound pack. I would really like that it would be included in the playroom client.

To download the sound pack, visit this link:

Have fun!

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2. Sajad-Aliraqi,

I didn't like it actually but it was a good job, maybe someone else will have a different opinion. And besides this seems like an AD. Because I am sure tons of us have already made their own soundpacks for personal use, and there is no question someone can ask about a folder of 99 sounds.

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3. marmarmar,

The default gaz sound should be but back. The one in this soundpack sounds more like water to me.
The repairation sound is quiet, but abit too long.
The draw2.ogg sound should be reverted back to the default one because it's not used for drawing cards but warning players about a trump card being played in trick-taking games with trumps, when a heard was played in heards and such other warnings.

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4. Nikola,

What you really need to modify is the flat sound, it's way too long. Scrap that, everything is too long, overstreched and overdone. The Playroom sounds are an addition to the game, not something that plays for 10 seconds while another turn already started.
That being said, the Playroom allows you to use whatever sounds you like, so if you feel like this is a great experience for you, certainly enjoy it.

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Last edited by Nikola, Aug 11 2020 17:11:51

5. MuhammadHajjar,

While I myself am enjoying the diffault sound pack and won't be changing it whatsoever, I'm yet a bit curious to see what your pack does contain. So I get a 404 not found error whenever I try to download the file.

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6. Nikola,

I did as well, but it's actually not his fault, sort of. Don't activate the link from the client using Ctrl enter, I am assuming that is what you are doing since I got the error myself as well when doing it that way. For whatever reason it seems to append the have from the next line to the link so it doesn't work, but if you go to the topic on the website it works normally.

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7. marmarmar,

This is why I never use the forum from the client.
For me, a gaming platform should not allow players to connect to the forum via the client, but only via website.

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8. Nikola,

I don't see why. It works perfectly fine for reading and replying to topics. I don't understand why something should not be allowed, just because you don't like using it. Thankfully we aren't forced to use it in any specific way, so you can use it the way you like. This is an issue that can probably be resolved, but it isn't a major one. You could also do it without opening on the web by just copying the link from the history and pasting into your browser, only automatic recognision using the shortcut doesn't work very well sometimes.

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9. MuhammadHajjar,

Ok that worked, thanks for the tip Nikola.

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