nvda translate addon not compatable with latest vertion of nvda

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1. Alan1003,

hi guys. i am so sorry that i have made a lot of topicks about translations and sutch, but the nvda 2020.1 does not work with nvda translate addon that found some where but i don't know is the v addon this one? translate-2019.03.nvda-addon 21 of 1027 thanks in advance, and apolagise for all theese translation topicks

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2. Nikola,

It's the old version. Get the latest addon at https://github.com/yplassiard/nvda-translate/releases/download/v2020.05/translate-2020.05.nvda-addon

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3. Alan1003,

then i try and it doesn't work. i don't know where to turn on the translater and setting the languages and stuff.

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4. Nikola,

It does work. It is using your NVDA language as a target, and automatically detecting the language of the text. So if your NVDA language is French, for example, all the text will be translated to French. To use, enable the translation with NVDA CTRl shift T. You can also copy the latest translation with NVDA shift C.

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5. Alan1003,

haha i tried that it worked for bk3 but then it just half english, half colon. colon. 2d? 4?

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6. Kristen_Star,

by the way, this translator works for a certain time, and then stops translating or does not translate everything that is under focus. but after a few hours, or better on the next day, it starts working again, and again for 15, 20 minutes

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7. Nikola,

Yes, unfortunately this is the case due to Google's API limitations.

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