one game doesn't work when i try to extract. sorry for fillling the forem.

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1. Alan1003,

when i try playing oh dammit by sam tupy, i get this. "Compressed (zipped) Folders Error dialog Windows cannot complete the extraction.

The destination file could not be created." any ideas on what to do?

Score: +0

2. Marina,

Hello Allen,
You can try to create a new folder manually, then copy the zip file to it, and if you are using 7zip, or even winrar they have an option called extract here, use it.
Careful though, this option literally extracts here lol, so if you do it out of a folder that would be a mess since it would mix the extracted files in the current folder the zip file is at. Then good luck trying to figure out what belongs and what doesn't.

Score: +0

3. Alan1003,

i will try that.

Score: +0

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