Date and time to plann a tournament

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1. Emrah20,

I have one more time question, due to this, that My topic was removed, because of My big mistake.
Please, do You know some site to find a time in another time zone? I would like to create tournament, but I would like to know, what time (or sometimes date) will be in another country.
For example, when in Slovakia is 10:00 AM, or 10:00 in 24-format, but what time will be on Tokio, Istanbul, or Jakarta?
Maybe It will be also different date.
Thank You for Your help.
best regards

Score: +0

2. YNWA,

If you remember I said there was a link where people could check times for the scopa tournament, why not use that?

Score: +0

3. Emrah20,

OK. Thank You for Your help. It can be useful.

Score: +0

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