how to use your phone microphone as a PC microphone (stereo)

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1. Charizard,

Hi all. So, I was wondering if you could tell me, if you know, how to use a phone microphone as a PC microphone. I was searching for ways, auks cable didn't work, so I was wondering if there are any other apps for android to let you do that, in stereo! Please help me with that.

Score: +0

2. Nikola,

Probably not in stereo, because many Android phones can't even natively record in stereo without various tweaks and customisations. That is, if you mean using both the top and botton microphones.
If we avoid that requirement though, the app I used when I wannted to try this out is Wo Mic:
It was fully accessible then, and you could use both wireless and via USB, the latter I recommend because wirelessly you'll probably have more lag.

Score: +1

3. Charizard,

Thanks, but what about reaper. Can't you make your microphone in stereo from there?

Score: +0

4. jackson95,

I personally use Womike, and it works. I don’t know if it’s in stereo though.

Score: +0

5. ogoniciel,

Few years ago Wo mic had stereo option in the premium version but when i tried to buy it in 2020 i can't find the premium version of this app.

Score: +0

6. OrsoNero ,

Hi maybe reaper is in stereo mode.

Score: +0

Last edited by OrsoNero , Apr 10 2021 15:24:01

7. StormProductions,


DroidCam allows you to do that, in stereo. Please note that your phone camera will also be involved, as it's main purpose is to use your phone camera for PC, but it also does what you need it to do.

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