
7 messages, 1 pages:  1 ↖ Go back to topic list

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1. SheWolf,

Hello all, after the time I returned to manamon2. I would like to ask you for help. I need from manamon 1 one certain manamon, it is legendary one, i don't know his name. I just know that it is a pegasos, i mean horse with wings you are getting as the last legendary one. Would someone be too good and give him to me? I have manamon 1, but have not old data file and i am lazy to play all thegame just to get him. Thanks very very much. Klara

Score: +0

2. yoko_ono,

Hello. Someone from the spanish part told me that it would be more recommendable for you to post there since that forum is more visited. They already have a topic that exclusively talks about manamon. If you need help with the translation let me know. Here is the topic I was telling you:

Score: +0

3. SheWolf,

Hello! yes, if you would be too good, let them know this what i said here above. I would appreciate it. Thanks!

Score: +0

4. unicornioAzul ,

well, iff you want i can help you with translation too.

Score: +0

5. yoko_ono,

from what I saw @dereck is a native Spanish speaker, or so I suppose, so it would be more advisable for him to translate since I don't speak the language that well

Score: +0

6. SheWolf,

Well guys, let's not do big drama from it, i don't need it like brutally now and at the moment, smiley. I think that if there in spanish community is someone who plays it, it would be nice to trade or something. So yeah, just translate my first msg here and that's it. ask in my name whether they have and can give that certain manamon, forgot his name. Thank you very very very very much. smiley. Klara

Score: +0

7. el_helado_que_muerde,

hi! if you want, i could help you with that. i have a friend who knows english and plays manamon, if you want i can contact him and he could help you.

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