Playing cards for the blind braille patterns

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1. Emrah20,

I have braille english cards for the blind. Ofcourse, i have found joker.
It has braille pattern 123
But, what are patterns of another braille cards? I have easily discover a numbers and figures patterns, but It is difficult with suits.

Score: +0

2. YNWA,

As I have some cards I can help you.

In English braille we usually have a number sign followed by a letter:

A = 1
B = 2
c= 3
D = 4
E = 5
F = 6
G = 7
H = 8
I = 9

but with playing cards we do not use the number sign.

AJ = 10 but for playing card purposes we use the letter O for 10


A = 1/Ace
B = 2
c= 3
D = 4
E = 5
F = 6
G = 7
H = 8
I = 9
o = 10
J = Jack
Q = Queen
K = King
L = Joker

All numbers are found on the top left hand side of the card and below are the suits. It will be the same even if you have the card upside down, so you will notice the number and suit of the card are repeated twice so you will also find braille on the bottom wright hand side of the card too.


D = Diamonds
K = Hearts
S = Spades
X = Clubs

A few examples:

K with K below is King of Hearts
O with X below is 10 of Clubs
I with D below is 9 of Diamonds.
E with S Below is 5 of Spades.

Score: +1

Last edited by YNWA, May 17 2021 14:01:33

3. Emrah20,

Thank You.
Yeah, It is same, as in My card pack. Thank You for description.

Score: +0

4. Aminiel,


It's funny to see the slight differences between countries. Here how it goes for braille cards in switzerland:

We have two braille letters one after the other on the same line, not one below the other.
First letter is the value without number sign, and second is the suit.

  • A = ace
  • B = 2
  • C = 3
  • D = 4
  • E = 5
  • F = 6
  • G = 7
  • H = 8
  • I = 9
  • X = 10 (we use the letter X as 10, like in roman numbers)

Then in 52 cards packs:

  • J = Jack
  • Q = Queen
  • K = King

And in 32 (France) and 36 (Switzerland) cards packs:

  • V = Jack (Valet in French)
  • D = Queen (Dame in French and German. There can't be any confusion with number 4 as the lowest card is 6 or 7)
  • R = King (Roi in French)

Then for suits, we have:

  • C = Hearts (cœur in French)
  • T = Club (trèfle in French)
  • K = Diamond (carreau in French)
  • P = spade (pique in French)

Score: +1

Last edited by Aminiel, May 17 2021 16:45:39

5. Emrah20,

Thank You for explanation.
Same is in My country Slovakia and Czech republich with german cards (sedmové karty). Letters are in line, not up and down in column. Due to this, that I know only Slovak and Czech names (I have heard, that in German are sometimes similar names), I'll explain It.
Numbers are:
7 as g
8 as h
9 as number sign
10 as X
under (dolník) as d
over (horník) as h
k (kráľ) as king
e (eso) as ace

Also, We have both different suits in Slovakia and Czech republic, as in english speaking countries.
Maybe You have noticed, that numbers are started with 7. Due to this We have named it (sedmové karty)
About suits, I'll try to translate those names from Slovak to English, as It is in Slovak, but We have also four suits. Sometimes have various suits two distinguished names.
Červeň (srdcia) - heards
Pika (zeleň) - Spades
Guľa - It is equivalent to diamonds, but It means literally ball
Žaluď (literally means acorn) - clubs
I think, that I have good explain It to You.

Score: +0

Last edited by Emrah20, May 17 2021 20:48:59

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