selling things

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1. wolfi,

Hello everyone hope you are doing good and eed mubarak.
I was wondering if anyone was interested in buyng some items that I have to sell.
I have a playstation4 with 2 controllers, and a bunch of games.
I also have an Ipad mini5.
please let me know if you are interested, thank you for your time.

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2. Aeon ,

In case you couldn't find any buyers, you can post this topic on Somebody or the other may buy the things.

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3. wolfi,

Hello, I also forgot to mention I have a del laptop with nice qualities for sale as well.

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4. Saskatoon,

how much is the computer,?

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5. Destranis,

Um, this is absolutely not the way you should sell stuff. Price? Quality? How long have they been used? What are their specialities, in bigger details? How old are they? And in the first place, why are you selling them? Just because I personally wouldn't buy something that has been used for 10 years and you are selling it just because it doesn't really work anymore.

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6. wolfi,

well, you clearly sound a little too peranoid sir lol. I put in a brief description to see who's interested and I clearly said if you want something contact me personally for mroe information.
My skype is ali_abdulhadi13

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7. Destranis,

I'm not paranoyed, it's just the normal way you would try to sell something. Look at any webshop, they provide all the required details. What if you wanted to buy a laptop but the shop you are looking at, gives you only informations like this is a laptop, it's cheap and works very very very very well, buy it. I'm sure you wouldn't even consider talking to the owner of the shop because according to the item's description, the shop seems to be pretty untrustworthy.

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8. Vojvoda,

Hello everybody,
In order to have a good ambience in the playroom and in the forum, please conform to the following rules :
• No spam or advertisements.

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9. Sajad-Aliraqi,

@vojvoda I don't see where advertising falls here. I guess it's pretty legal to sell your own stuff as long as not making the forum a store.

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