My first ever tournament

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Score: +0

1. Riad,

Hello all. Sorry for putting this a bit late. I always see people organizing tournaments in games such as Uno and Dominos. The tournaments in those games can be quite long. So I thought: Why not making my own one, with my own rools? I've chosen Ninety-nine, wanting to play in 8 pairs of 2, for a total of 16. I haven't set up a time for each match: Just when both players can play. What surprised me is: I was wanting to start the matches on Friday, but I got all 16 spots filled with less than 24 hours. So I'd like to thank all my friends who helped me and who accepted joining my little tournament, and I hope to do better ones in the not so distant future.
And now, this topic will contain the groups and the score of each one: note that each game is a standard 9-pennies game:
Pair 1: dayan against dardar: Dayan won with 4 pennies left.
Pair 2: Muhammad_Hajjar against Meshal: Muhammad_Hajjar won with 8 pennies left.
Pair 3: Yousuf against Mohammed.Albasha: Mohammed.Albasha won with 8 pennies left
Pair 4: saad.almasry against Adventure-time: Saad.Almasry won with 3 pennies left.
Pair 5: Mohammed_Aliraqi against Braillekid: Mohammed_Aliraqi won with 4 pennies left.
Pair 6: Me, Riad, against Shewolf: Shewolf won with 4 pennies left.
Pair 7: mahmoudali1793 against moataz.geba: moataz.geba won with 4 pennies left.
Pair 8: Gentleman against mahmood_5556: Gentleman won with 4 pennies left.
And now to the next part of the matches with the remaining 8 players:
Pair 1: Dayan against Muhammad_hajjar: Muhammad_hajjar won with 4 pennies left.
Pair 2: Mohammed.Albasha against Saad.Almasry: Saad.Almasry won with 2 pennies left.
Pair 3: Mohammed_Aliraqi against Shewolf: Not played yet.
Pair 4: moataz.geba against Gentleman: Moataz.geba won with 1 penny left..
This is the topic, it will be edited everytime I get some new things to say. I hope I'll do a bigger one and I'll put it on the forum.
Take care all, and don't forget to PM me if you have any problem or suggestion.

Score: +0

Last edited by Riad, Jan 26 2015 10:59:31

2. mohammed_aliraqi,

Hello my friend.
Very brilliant idea.
I am raring to many of the tours after the game Khasa Fawzi previous round.
I wish everyone the best.
To the meeting.

Score: +0

3. Riad,

Due to some problems, post 1 has been edited and the pairs 3 and 5 have been changed. I hope that we'll be able to finish this tournament with less troubles, let's wait and see.
And now guys, the quarter-finals are being played, and I'm seriously waiting for the ultimate winner, aren't you also? :)

Score: +0

Last edited by Riad, Jan 28 2015 14:03:00

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