Chat Commands for Playroom

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1. russian-stranger,


today I Discovered that Playroom has Chat commands

and Here is The List of Commands. Type it without Quotes

* "@Username" Sends a Privat Message to a Selected Player

* "/block Username Blocks A Selected Player

for example: /block bobgh will Block this Player. Type this Again if You Want to Unblock him

* "/me" Emotes
for example: russian-stranger says: i'm busy

/me is busy will be Like this: Russian-stranger is busy

* "/kick Username" Kicks A Selected Player

for example: /kick joh will Kick him out of Your Table without pressing Control+k and Selecting this Player

* "/ban Username" will Ban the Selected Player

for example: /ban Bobgh will Ban this Player without Pressing control+b and Selecting this player

* "/invite Username" Invites a Selected Player to your Table

this is A List of Chat Comands wich i Know

if You have More Chat commands ad it here in the Comments

Score: +0

Last edited by russian-stranger, Feb 11 2015 19:00:35

2. swiss-carl,

you forgot this command

/help, sends a message to the currently connected administrator without pressing f4 key

Score: +0

Last edited by swiss-carl, Feb 27 2015 23:27:56

3. socheat,

wow, grade posts. I love it!

Score: +0

4. Exink,

I have two more which I have suggested myself. Thanks to Aminiel for making them reality.

  • "/add" adds to a user to the friends list. For example, /add Saniel-yuniel. Note that also it's possible to add yourself.
  • And finally, "/accept" accepts a friend demmand send to you.

I hope this helps you, people!

Score: +0

Last edited by Exink, Mar 22 2015 16:12:56

5. gaurasuryavanshi,

/help? well what we should do after pessing it? should we type our message or what?

Score: +0

6. Exink,

Leave a space and send the desired text. For example, /help Hello, I have a question.

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