Story time using statuses

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1. Emerald,

alien-lewie, available, friend: Free table: hey, you, yes you . hi the_golden_snitch, available, friend: Free table: You have just started reading the status that you are now finishing reading kaito, offline, friend: Potato and tomato's status. ileto, absent, friend: Free table: whose status tomato, available, friend: Free table: My status glowingstar, available, friend: Free table: their status vippotato, absent, friend: Free table: your status aidenn, offline, friend: JustAnotherBoringStadis. Keep scrolingAndReadTheMoreInterestingMesages :d. The end.

Score: +0

2. gemmi,

wow! good thing healthy tomato

Score: +0

3. shubham ,

o wao what a way of expressing stories lol

Score: +0

4. VIPPotato,

Helo people we encourage you all to join the fun and share your statusses here. Tanks

Score: +0

5. gemmi,

lool ok

Score: +0

6. Emerald,

We hope you enjoyed the story and that this inspires more creative work in the future like potato said above.

Score: +0

7. sound2,

Lol okay, didn't make much sense.

Score: +0

8. Emerald,

Well it does if you look deeply and its not exactly supposed to.

Score: +0

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