Has anyone figured out what is the new playroom surprise?

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1. Riad,

Hey all. Aminiel wrote in the playroom's changelog about a new surprise in the new version He gave us a hint, but till now I can't figure it out :D. Is it a game? I'm sure that no, the games list is still the same. Is it related to friend lists? I don't know other than the fact of adding myself to my friends list by the /add command :D, and it works. Is it something regarding spamming? Don't know. I don't think also that it's something related to the options or functions. So what could this be? I think that's a variable in a particular game. If someone found it out than tell me since I'm excited to know what that could be.
Edit: Hmmmmm, I think I figured it out, there are 2 new modes in Scopa, thanks very much Aminiel for the awesome surprise, have a nice weekend!

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Last edited by Riad, Mar 8 2015 09:13:24

2. Exink,

I'm so excited like you, I never imagined that there are two varians more in the scopa! Great you, Aminiel! Now I wait for the instructions soon.

A problem... When I try to play my first card in the scopone mode (Which I don't know how does it work) The game disconnects and it is almost impossible to play with these variants. Can you fix it?

Finally, I have some things about the friends list:

  • I'm not pretty sure how useful is the posibility to add yourself as afriend.
  • Did you know if it's possible to send a friend demmand twice to a person, and if this is sent to one of your friends and he refuses it he disappears from the friends list?
  • And as last suggestion, I'd like to have a command for deleting too a person which is in my friends list.

Thanks for the great job here and for the new measurement security.

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Last edited by Exink, Mar 8 2015 17:21:12

3. out_and_about ,

I won't never find it, because i particulary don't like scopa, i prefer rami!
By the way, what does it mean by "seeing the key work iin farcle, even if it's not your turn?

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4. Exink,

By the way, what does it mean by "seeing the key work iin farcle, even if it's not your turn?

Because so, you'll can know how many points has the person who is playing in his turn.

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