recording with out NVDA

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1. hongjun,

hi. i have question about recording. how can i remove NVDA from the recording. i am using VAC

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2. phoenix009,


Firstly,, you might want to post topics like this in the tearoom. Helps from going off topic.

Coming to your question, here's how you do it:

  1. Open the sound settings in control panel and head to your recording tab.
  2. There, choose line 1 and make that the default.
  3. Open Line1's properties, and head to the listen tab. Here, check the first checkbox, it'll be the only checkbox on the page. Next, head to the combo-box that's labelled device, and choose your default speakers there. In my case, it's headphones, Airdopes 441, but yours might be different. Hit ok and you're done here.
  4. In your recorder of choice, set the output device to Line 1. In OBS for example, I've set my desktop audio to be line 1.
  5. Finally, switch your NVDA synthesizer's output to your speakers. Not line1, but your default audio device.


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3. Spongebob,

If i've not mistaken, Line1 is a service provided by Virtual audio Ccable (VAC)

As not everyone is aware of VAC, You might need to help them set up it first before changeing the audio devices rather than directly jumping to recording and stuff.

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Last edited by Spongebob, Apr 19 2022 03:10:59

4. phoenix009,

Right. The reason I didn't mention the setup was because OP mentioned he already had VAC.

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