Advice on Teaching Demonstration and Board Work

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1. imprisonedindarkness,

Hello to all! I am a student teacher with visual impairment, specifically, total blindness. This coming Monday, I have a teaching demonstration where I have to teach my sudo learners about the things commonly found inside a first aid kit. I have a matching type exercise where they have to come in front of the board and connect a certain picture of an object to its corresponding name on the right. The problem is, I could not figure out how to find out if they get the right answer. Did they really connect the right picture with the right name? I hope you all can help me brainstorm for a good way to do this.

I have already prepared the materials so that the pictures being used and their names are readily accessible to me. However, when the learners draw the line to connect them, I have no idea how to make it accessible to my situation. I cannot feel the ink ... Hahaha. So ... do you all have some suggestion to replace the marker with something else and how to do it? Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it.

Score: +0

2. Emerald,

Try labelling them. For example picture 1 goes with letter b which is the word. Answer 1b.
If i may kindly tell you something else, that is not related to the answer, is the way you describe yourself. In some countries and certainly when i read your post, the way you discribed. Yourself was a bit miss leading. Visually impaired and blindness are two different things. visually impaired means you can see a bit whereas blindness not at all. So i was a bit confused on how to help you but nonetheless i think i get what you meant.

Score: +0

3. imprisonedindarkness,

Hi, AnEmeraldCatInYourLivingRoom, thank you for your suggestion. I have already labeled the pictures and their corresponding names with braille. It's just I can't find a way to replace the marker with other method so that I can follow the line they created from the picture to the name. Some of my learners are supposed to be experiencing mental retardation with high functionality in other aspect. I think it's mild mental retardation if you put it in other term. I don't know how to edit my post to add that though. Sorry.

By the way, in my country, the term "visual impairment" means a group of eye disorder affecting the vision of an individual. While "total blindness" refers to the degree of vision you still have. So .. visual impairment is an umbrella word for any eye-related problem affecting the vision. We just call the condition of an individual with less visual capacity as those with low vision. Another apology for the miscommunication.

Score: +0

4. Emerald,

Ah ok interesting. Thanks for telling me about the definition in your country. I did not realise.
Ok so maybe you can attach a string and make them connect it. Or have stickers which they stick on one card to the next corresponding picture. For example, you put a gem on a2, a heart on b2 etc. You will just have to feel that. Not sure if this would work or is useful at all.

Score: +0

5. imprisonedindarkness,

This method is interesting. Using strings to connect them instead of using the marker. I think it would work. I just have to measure the distance and use them to trace back and forth between the picture and its corresponding name. I think I have to use a thin string, but not very thin, so that the weight would not disturb the integrity of the materials. This is a very good idea! Thank you! I'll try this. I'll tell you if it works during some testing. Thank you again!

Score: +0

6. Emerald,

Yay i am so glad i could help. Do let me know and all the best. You’re welcome.
Not sure how you would stick the string down on the other card thing, maybe with a sticker or bluettap. Idk you’ll find a way.

Score: +0

7. glad,

• Use a piece of string. A piece of string could be used to connect the picture and the name. The string would be easier to feel than a marker, and it would also be more durable.
• Use a piece of yarn. Yarn is another option that is easy to feel and durable. You could use different colors of yarn to represent the different first aid kit items.
• Use a piece of pipe cleaner. A pipe cleaner is a flexible material that could be used to connect the picture and the name. The pipe cleaner would be easy to feel and it could be bent into different shapes.

Score: -2

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