1st round match ups for the Uno Tournament!

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1. Epic_Krrish,

The 1st round matches of the battle of the giants Uno tournament are as follows:

(1) Babyactress vs Imthechampraki

(2) H-m-c-z vs Purplerain

(3) Anaid vs Policeman1

(4) Fawaz vs OneNOnlyKrrish

(5) Gonulmen vs Everything

(6) Ahmed vs Captain-nemo

(7) Tonguyenchau vs Guliwer

(8) Adventure-time vs The-Boss

(9) Estrellavega vs nono09

(10) Egle vs Jsholes

(11) Mogosog vs Saniel-yunier

(12) Ilhan vs Medo_liverpool

(13) Jase vs Marel24.

(14) Keywasfull vs Kurt

(15) Basket vs U-no

(16) Eirin vs Baby_eldulcecito

(17) randomrob vs ashraf

(18) Reklaw vs Joao_macedo

Please turn up for your matches and if, you want to play your matches a bit earlier send a request to me or Raki. If you don't turn up for the match! your opponent will move to the 2nd round, that's Only if I don't find any replacement then. Also note now the matches will be played only on one table rather than on separate , tables to make our work easier. The spectators are allowed to watch the matches as long as they contact me on the tournaments day and be sure to enable your spectator mode, same applies to to those who will be waiting for their matches.

Well good luck to all! Hope to catch you there on the 4th April on Saturday, 12 P.M. eastern, 4P.M. UK, 6 or 7 P.M. in different parts of the middle east and 5th April
Sunday, 11 A.M. eastern, 3 P.M. UK, 5/6P.M. in the middle east.
If you're not sure what time it will be at for you, just find me or Raki on the playroom and ask us, especially for the European countries, since they have move 1 hour ahead..

Thank-you for your cooperation.

Graphic smiles.

Score: +0

Last edited by Epic_Krrish, Mar 31 2015 16:11:30

2. NovaLenada ,

I am almost sure about I won't be the winer, but... I'll atleast try, :D good luck to everyone!

Score: +0

3. Raki,

Exciting matches! I can't wait to watch them.

A big thanks to Basket and H-M-C-Z for helping us with the draw.

Also, each match on avrage lasts about 15 minutes, so make sure you make good judgement on when to come; if your not there for your match you'll be kicked out!

Thanks, and good luck to everyone!

Score: +0

4. basket,

If you're in the United States, 9 AM pacific, 10 AM mountain and 11 central on Saturday.

Score: +0

5. Raki,

And also, please don't forget that on Sunday, we will be starting 1 hour early.

Score: +0

Last edited by Raki, Apr 2 2015 09:23:14

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