Scientific war

Scientific war tries to put chance, strategy and psychology together around a game whose fondamental principle is very simple: those of classic war, in particular open war, but with additionnal rules allowing some form of bluff and stragegy. The particularity of this game is in fact that rules have been invented by you know who...

Game rules

At the beginning of the game, the dealer sort the cards by color and each player takes all cards of a particular color. So, everyone starts with a hand having the same strength, perfectly identical except the color. This game is played with one or two 52 cards decks depending on the number of players, where some colors may be completely absent. For example, with two players , one play only with hearts and spades.

Once distribution is complete, each player chooses simultaneously the card he wants to play. When everybody has made his choice, all chosen cards are revealed. Except in special cases exposed below, the player who played the strongest card wins all the cards of the trick and puts them in front of him. Then, the next trick goes the same way.

The player who hasn't anymore card in his hand takes those he previously put in front of him and put them back in his hand. IF he still hasn't anymore cards, he is out of the game. The winner is the last player still having cards when all others have lost. The strongest card is ace and the weakest 2, color hasn't any importance


When the winner of the trick isn't unique, when two cards or more of the same strength are all equally winner of the trick, there is a war. In this case, nobody takes the cards of the trick. The winner of the next trick wins the cards of the trick plus those left in the previous trick when the war was.


When a jack is revealed, it's a revolution and the card order is reversed. The 2 become the strongest card and ace the weakest. Card order comes back in the usual order at next revolution, meaning when the next jack is played. If two jacks are played in the same trick, their effect cancel eachother and the card order is thus unchanged.

Spy lady

The player who played a queen can, at next trick after the one where the queen ahs been played, look at which cards other players chose before choosing his own. HE has thus a big advantage to win this trick ! But this lasts only for a single turn, fortunately. If two or more queens are played in the same trick, their effect is cancelled.

See how many cards players have in hand

AFter having played a 3, the player who played it can see how many cards other players have currently in their hand (don't confuse with the number of cards owned in total, it's not the same and that later information is always available).

Pile switch

After having played an 8, the player who played it can take the pile of cards which is in front of him in his hand, and put his previous hand at that place (that's a swap).


Joker is the most interesting, but also the most fragile card of the game. Depending on when this card is played, the obtained effect isn't the same :

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