Statistics: Connect four

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General game statistics of Connect four

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 88 (14.74%) 509 (85.26%) 597 (0.53%)
English 20 575 (32.56%) 42 612 (67.44%) 63 187 (56.27%)
Español 5 289 (27.12%) 14 210 (72.88%) 19 499 (17.36%)
Français 1 894 (15.86%) 10 051 (84.14%) 11 945 (10.64%)
Italiano 480 (16.12%) 2 498 (83.88%) 2 978 (2.65%)
Português 1 512 (18.57%) 6 632 (81.43%) 8 144 (7.25%)
русский 639 (15.55%) 3 470 (84.45%) 4 109 (3.66%)
Srpski 55 (19.37%) 229 (80.63%) 284 (0.25%)
Total 30 532 (27.57%) 80 211 (72.43%) 110 743

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
Games112 29428.34198.4850.210 352

Duration of games :

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. SametAlim: 1 850 games played
  2. george: 1 007 games played
  3. antimason: 842 games played
  4. Sebastijan: 761 games played
  5. bogdanionut: 759 games played
  6. elcazador: 708 games played
  7. NewSound: 689 games played
  8. balout47: 675 games played
  9. mostafamahmoud310: 671 games played
  10. Losi123: 640 games played
  11. vasi_ro: 603 games played
  12. doni_stef1: 592 games played
  13. sprite: 583 games played
  14. Guitasma: 503 games played
  15. sashakozlovskiy: 492 games played
  16. VanilaIce: 488 games played
  17. orion6 : 463 games played
  18. Brave: 432 games played
  19. gitaristibo: 416 games played
  20. saygar: 366 games played
  21. josephmercado: 361 games played
  22. dourinda: 345 games played
  23. yousefmourad1212: 343 games played
  24. marcus250: 340 games played
  25. papierek: 321 games played
  26. Nikola: 320 games played
  27. legend111: 305 games played
  28. tariq.tayem: 304 games played
  29. Burak.Bozteke: 300 games played
  30. bartolomeo : 297 games played

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