Statistics: Ninety nine

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General game statistics of Ninety nine

Last reset: Mar 8 2014 15:36:03

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 4 807 (18.84%) 20 707 (81.16%) 25 514 (0.22%)
English 1 949 037 (36.92%) 3 329 590 (63.08%) 5 278 627 (45.81%)
Español 602 363 (26.99%) 1 629 271 (73.01%) 2 231 634 (19.37%)
Français 276 445 (21.2%) 1 027 701 (78.8%) 1 304 146 (11.32%)
Italiano 167 016 (20.11%) 663 553 (79.89%) 830 569 (7.21%)
Português 534 768 (35.06%) 990 393 (64.94%) 1 525 161 (13.24%)
русский 79 452 (26.96%) 215 291 (73.04%) 294 743 (2.56%)
Srpski 9 091 (27.86%) 23 543 (72.14%) 32 634 (0.28%)
Total 3 622 983 (31.44%) 7 900 061 (68.56%) 11 523 044

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
Games1 861 508472.33 30614 170172 516
Rounds11 523 1992 92420 46787 7161 067 916
Rounds in finished games9 736 7952 47117 29474 117902 360

Approximatively 84.5% of the games are played to their end, while 15.5% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. pistachio: 86 922 rounds played
  2. enerji: 73 823 rounds played
  3. ghost: 58 569 rounds played
  4. capitaine-picard: 48 059 rounds played
  5. Price14: 46 776 rounds played
  6. bilinmezadam: 39 550 rounds played
  7. mamoute: 39 397 rounds played
  8. euclides: 38 789 rounds played
  9. pipiou: 36 401 rounds played
  10. aboassem: 32 106 rounds played
  11. leoalfa: 30 985 rounds played
  12. betito: 30 733 rounds played
  13. Ptitshapi: 30 360 rounds played
  14. attilio: 30 291 rounds played
  15. burhan123: 29 935 rounds played
  16. lecceseforever: 29 147 rounds played
  17. hektor: 28 804 rounds played
  18. palmiye: 28 699 rounds played
  19. thanhson2002: 28 482 rounds played
  20. pinguino: 28 007 rounds played
  21. crismaldon85: 25 793 rounds played
  22. Josette-A-M: 25 725 rounds played
  23. grandmother: 25 270 rounds played
  24. delipoyraz: 25 172 rounds played
  25. yenilmezadam: 25 051 rounds played
  26. denni52: 24 571 rounds played
  27. leone45: 23 875 rounds played
  28. tiny: 23 642 rounds played
  29. reallove: 23 276 rounds played
  30. Kjames424: 23 051 rounds played

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