Statistics: Fives and threes

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General game statistics of Fives and threes

Last reset: Oct 29 2023 17:00:00

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 68 (2.15%) 3 088 (97.85%) 3 156 (0.45%)
English 43 925 (17.49%) 207 235 (82.51%) 251 160 (35.84%)
Español 21 968 (18.15%) 99 085 (81.85%) 121 053 (17.27%)
Français 5 038 (7.89%) 58 815 (92.11%) 63 853 (9.11%)
Italiano 2 390 (8.64%) 25 262 (91.36%) 27 652 (3.95%)
Português 50 937 (31.11%) 112 792 (68.89%) 163 729 (23.36%)
русский 3 532 (15.8%) 18 825 (84.2%) 22 357 (3.19%)
Srpski 9 038 (18.88%) 38 842 (81.12%) 47 880 (6.83%)
Total 136 896 (19.53%) 563 944 (80.47%) 700 840

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
Games146 513349.62 44810 489127 705
Rounds700 8401 67311 70850 176610 874
Rounds in finished games758 4261 81012 67054 298661 068

Approximatively 108.2% of the games are played to their end, while -8.22% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. zenicaja: 11 933 rounds played
  2. pavesi: 9 568 rounds played
  3. miroslav: 9 076 rounds played
  4. kemanciibo: 8 212 rounds played
  5. domatricedishirehorse: 8 132 rounds played
  6. toni: 7 877 rounds played
  7. Wanted: 7 660 rounds played
  8. Fady: 7 535 rounds played
  9. mohammedantar: 7 377 rounds played
  10. el-chamo: 6 859 rounds played
  11. Oliveira: 6 521 rounds played
  12. yomismo: 6 121 rounds played
  13. enerji: 5 829 rounds played
  14. exatropic: 5 665 rounds played
  15. Gennady: 5 502 rounds played
  16. Zepfan75: 5 290 rounds played
  17. albinuta2: 5 268 rounds played
  18. guegueu: 5 203 rounds played
  19. douglas.valter: 5 092 rounds played
  20. erdal: 4 815 rounds played
  21. hosam.12345: 4 798 rounds played
  22. francesca: 4 664 rounds played
  23. feridun: 4 606 rounds played
  24. Milos: 4 562 rounds played
  25. charrenee: 4 385 rounds played
  26. JA56: 4 381 rounds played
  27. Lorie: 4 365 rounds played
  28. Ilcavalieretemplare: 4 325 rounds played
  29. dominicm: 4 282 rounds played
  30. ane_lluss: 4 237 rounds played

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