Statistics: Exploding kittens

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General game statistics of Exploding kittens

Last reset: Dec 24 2024 16:00:00

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
English 1 471 (26.49%) 4 083 (73.51%) 5 554 (29.58%)
Español 1 327 (23.66%) 4 281 (76.34%) 5 608 (29.86%)
Français 122 (9.37%) 1 180 (90.63%) 1 302 (6.93%)
Italiano 336 (15.48%) 1 835 (84.52%) 2 171 (11.56%)
Português 392 (18.99%) 1 672 (81.01%) 2 064 (10.99%)
русский 161 (10.25%) 1 409 (89.75%) 1 570 (8.36%)
Srpski 138 (27.11%) 371 (72.89%) 509 (2.71%)
Total 3 947 (21.02%) 14 831 (78.98%) 18 778

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
Games18 778476.23 33314 286173 928

Duration of games :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. robarmadio: 465 games played
  2. doktor1234567: 255 games played
  3. samogon: 240 games played
  4. andrlove874: 195 games played
  5. pepsicolo91: 192 games played
  6. Coperfield: 174 games played
  7. domatricedishirehorse: 173 games played
  8. Jeffer1: 166 games played
  9. sashakozlovskiy: 155 games played
  10. ajackpot: 145 games played
  11. moogly: 141 games played
  12. riffy36_wii: 138 games played
  13. Sara.T: 133 games played
  14. cuervo-siniestro: 130 games played
  15. Wanted: 130 games played
  16. zieddu: 128 games played
  17. unicornio_de_plata: 125 games played
  18. rigoberto: 124 games played
  19. jalaska: 123 games played
  20. maxitombino: 121 games played
  21. Alexis21: 121 games played
  22. imprisonedindarkness: 118 games played
  23. donia.ferhat: 117 games played
  24. Bojana: 114 games played
  25. ALEF_PRIME: 113 games played
  26. Jjai: 113 games played
  27. Tijana: 111 games played
  28. Mishko: 107 games played
  29. Cristian-il-bomber: 105 games played
  30. Onisama: 104 games played

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