Statistics: Reversi

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General game statistics of Reversi

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 23 (12.71%) 158 (87.29%) 181 (0.5%)
English 3 260 (20.89%) 12 344 (79.11%) 15 604 (42.94%)
Español 694 (10.77%) 5 747 (89.23%) 6 441 (17.72%)
Français 335 (3.11%) 10 439 (96.89%) 10 774 (29.65%)
Italiano 93 (5.54%) 1 587 (94.46%) 1 680 (4.62%)
Português 35 (9.28%) 342 (90.72%) 377 (1.04%)
русский 77 (6.35%) 1 136 (93.65%) 1 213 (3.34%)
Srpski 7 (11.11%) 56 (88.89%) 63 (0.17%)
Total 4 524 (12.45%) 31 809 (87.55%) 36 333
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 23 (12.71%) 158 (87.29%) 181 (0.5%)
English 3 260 (20.89%) 12 344 (79.11%) 15 604 (42.94%)
Español 694 (10.77%) 5 747 (89.23%) 6 441 (17.72%)
Français 335 (3.11%) 10 439 (96.89%) 10 774 (29.65%)
Italiano 93 (5.54%) 1 587 (94.46%) 1 680 (4.62%)
Português 35 (9.28%) 342 (90.72%) 377 (1.04%)
русский 77 (6.35%) 1 136 (93.65%) 1 213 (3.34%)
Srpski 7 (11.11%) 56 (88.89%) 63 (0.17%)
Total 4 524 (12.45%) 31 809 (87.55%) 36 333

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~36 3439.7768.372933 567

Duration of games :

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Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. FifiBrindacier: 4 780 games played
  2. noireau: 1 268 games played
  3. torquato.travolgiratti: 1 023 games played
  4. Qais: 947 games played
  5. ElPana: 947 games played
  6. aisha: 937 games played
  7. nougatine: 881 games played
  8. dinomind: 741 games played
  9. pedroelbullanguero78: 473 games played
  10. sashakozlovskiy: 467 games played
  11. bumangues: 359 games played
  12. Kachua: 267 games played
  13. kaptankork: 265 games played
  14. Sebastijan: 256 games played
  15. lasouris31: 224 games played
  16. Spongebob: 223 games played
  17. andres_nava : 219 games played
  18. aravis: 184 games played
  19. djtropical: 181 games played
  20. loool: 175 games played
  21. AlirezaDarkk: 174 games played
  22. stefan_ilioaica: 172 games played
  23. katrine-bratt: 172 games played
  24. simon: 169 games played
  25. monsterhead: 157 games played
  26. mauricio123 : 149 games played
  27. Zozo: 143 games played
  28. skotos07: 142 games played
  29. Mrityunjay: 140 games played
  30. NewSound: 138 games played

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