Statistics: The little exam

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General game statistics of The little exam

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
1 (100%) 0 (0%) 1 (0%)
Deutsch 1 (100%) 0 (0%) 1 (0%)
English 7 107 (100%) 0 (0%) 7 107 (28.36%)
Español 9 859 (100%) 0 (0%) 9 859 (39.34%)
Français 5 073 (100%) 0 (0%) 5 073 (20.24%)
Italiano 1 569 (100%) 0 (0%) 1 569 (6.26%)
Português 819 (100%) 0 (0%) 819 (3.27%)
русский 1 (100%) 0 (0%) 1 (0%)
Srpski 633 (100%) 0 (0%) 633 (2.53%)
Total 25 063 (100%) 0 (0%) 25 063
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
19 (100%) 0 (0%) 19 (0%)
Deutsch 9 (100%) 0 (0%) 9 (0%)
English 115 210 (100%) 0 (0%) 115 210 (28.1%)
Español 178 098 (100%) 0 (0%) 178 098 (43.44%)
Français 73 213 (100%) 0 (0%) 73 213 (17.86%)
Italiano 23 971 (100%) 0 (0%) 23 971 (5.85%)
Português 13 318 (100%) 0 (0%) 13 318 (3.25%)
русский 29 (100%) 0 (0%) 29 (0.01%)
Srpski 6 106 (100%) 0 (0%) 6 106 (1.49%)
Total 409 973 (100%) 0 (0%) 409 973

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~25 0636.7347.132022 459
~Rounds~409 973110.1770.93 30440 223
~RoundsInFinishedGames~304 95681.92573.42 45829 920

Approximatively 74.38% of the games are played to their end, while 25.62% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. vachette: 7 307 rounds played
  2. ivan1985: 5 064 rounds played
  3. betito: 3 930 rounds played
  4. PrincipeAmor : 2 748 rounds played
  5. Pivoine: 2 344 rounds played
  6. skouique: 2 304 rounds played
  7. Pragma: 2 177 rounds played
  8. Dark: 2 168 rounds played
  9. Macphisto: 1 970 rounds played
  10. Blindgirl: 1 879 rounds played
  11. Nikola: 1 859 rounds played
  12. Sebastijan: 1 811 rounds played
  13. Sampei : 1 807 rounds played
  14. bonhomme: 1 807 rounds played
  15. domatricedishirehorse: 1 805 rounds played
  16. Clarinette: 1 800 rounds played
  17. CoBC: 1 706 rounds played
  18. palomaazul: 1 691 rounds played
  19. Vojvoda: 1 656 rounds played
  20. chiocciola92: 1 439 rounds played
  21. Rodrisosa23: 1 410 rounds played
  22. galbandreal34: 1 377 rounds played
  23. clemdissy: 1 346 rounds played
  24. Anita_G_Avalos: 1 344 rounds played
  25. Mujer_Vendabal: 1 342 rounds played
  26. Josette-A-M: 1 315 rounds played
  27. cristianquerubin: 1 311 rounds played
  28. Emerald: 1 299 rounds played
  29. tigresse: 1 290 rounds played
  30. mamidan: 1 289 rounds played

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