Statistics: Farkle

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General game statistics of Farkle

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
1 (100%) 0 (0%) 1 (0%)
Deutsch 2 310 (20.76%) 8 816 (79.24%) 11 126 (0.4%)
English 490 090 (41.19%) 699 698 (58.81%) 1 189 788 (43.13%)
Español 188 860 (31.06%) 419 277 (68.94%) 608 137 (22.05%)
Français 93 556 (30.58%) 212 369 (69.42%) 305 925 (11.09%)
Italiano 75 848 (33.38%) 151 394 (66.62%) 227 242 (8.24%)
Português 115 224 (34.28%) 220 870 (65.72%) 336 094 (12.18%)
русский 25 797 (37.99%) 42 114 (62.01%) 67 911 (2.46%)
0 (0%) 1 (100%) 1 (0%)
Srpski 3 192 (33.73%) 6 270 (66.27%) 9 462 (0.34%)
0 (0%) 2 (100%) 2 (0%)
Total 994 878 (36.1%) 1 760 811 (63.9%) 2 755 689
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
1 (100%) 0 (0%) 1 (0%)
Deutsch 2 310 (20.76%) 8 816 (79.24%) 11 126 (0.4%)
English 490 089 (41.19%) 699 698 (58.81%) 1 189 787 (43.13%)
Español 188 860 (31.06%) 419 276 (68.94%) 608 136 (22.05%)
Français 93 556 (30.58%) 212 368 (69.42%) 305 924 (11.09%)
Italiano 75 848 (33.38%) 151 394 (66.62%) 227 242 (8.24%)
Português 115 224 (34.28%) 220 868 (65.72%) 336 092 (12.18%)
русский 25 797 (37.99%) 42 114 (62.01%) 67 911 (2.46%)
0 (0%) 1 (100%) 1 (0%)
Srpski 3 192 (33.73%) 6 270 (66.27%) 9 462 (0.34%)
0 (0%) 2 (100%) 2 (0%)
Total 994 877 (36.1%) 1 760 807 (63.9%) 2 755 684

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~2 758 360742.35 19622 270271 137
~Rounds~2 758 355742.35 19622 270271 137
~RoundsInFinishedGames~2 758 360742.35 19622 270271 137

Approximatively 100% of the games are played to their end, while 0% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. lunera: 20 846 games played
  2. mustafaakdogan42: 17 866 games played
  3. kimson: 17 599 games played
  4. rahim: 15 580 games played
  5. Virgil: 15 130 games played
  6. pabloborges: 12 614 games played
  7. alilacantante: 11 622 games played
  8. REALMADRID21: 10 517 games played
  9. agronbujari: 10 449 games played
  10. real-love: 10 125 games played
  11. pierocongedo: 9 036 games played
  12. ibrahimyildiz: 9 011 games played
  13. jeffreywomack13: 8 811 games played
  14. fleur-de-lys: 8 398 games played
  15. picasso-pablo: 7 279 games played
  16. kayodo: 6 590 games played
  17. carrottop1023: 6 499 games played
  18. metallica130: 6 390 games played
  19. fonshito: 6 337 games played
  20. huseyinbertan: 6 296 games played
  21. jorgeandriani: 6 277 games played
  22. izmirli: 6 247 games played
  23. silveriomorais: 6 079 games played
  24. Vale86: 5 847 games played
  25. nurtekin-sahin: 5 783 games played
  26. El-coche-fantaastico: 5 676 games played
  27. titout: 5 655 games played
  28. manolito: 5 633 games played
  29. tonypeixe: 5 624 games played
  30. mamidan: 5 560 games played

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