Statistics: Poker Texas Holdem

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General game statistics of Poker Texas Holdem

Last reset: Feb 15 2014 14:29:07

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Deutsch 251 (25.07%) 750 (74.93%) 1 001 (0.6%)
English 22 515 (36.85%) 38 585 (63.15%) 61 100 (36.57%)
Español 5 839 (19.29%) 24 437 (80.71%) 30 276 (18.12%)
Français 9 710 (35.81%) 17 405 (64.19%) 27 115 (16.23%)
Italiano 2 233 (17.4%) 10 598 (82.6%) 12 831 (7.68%)
Português 13 398 (44.38%) 16 791 (55.62%) 30 189 (18.07%)
русский 708 (17.45%) 3 349 (82.55%) 4 057 (2.43%)
Srpski 69 (14.44%) 409 (85.56%) 478 (0.29%)
Total 54 723 (32.76%) 112 324 (67.24%) 167 047
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
0 (0%) 2 (100%) 2 (0%)
Deutsch 4 957 (35.91%) 8 848 (64.09%) 13 805 (0.37%)
English 546 339 (45.34%) 658 716 (54.66%) 1 205 055 (32.34%)
Español 51 054 (14.1%) 311 004 (85.9%) 362 058 (9.72%)
Français 253 160 (48.35%) 270 405 (51.65%) 523 565 (14.05%)
Italiano 36 038 (17.42%) 170 884 (82.58%) 206 922 (5.55%)
Português 1 056 413 (79.6%) 270 730 (20.4%) 1 327 143 (35.61%)
русский 17 926 (22.25%) 62 656 (77.75%) 80 582 (2.16%)
Srpski 618 (8.69%) 6 494 (91.31%) 7 112 (0.19%)
Total 1 966 505 (52.77%) 1 759 739 (47.23%) 3 726 244

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~167 08844.88314.11 34616 391
~Rounds~3 726 6951 0017 00730 028365 589
~RoundsInFinishedGames~2 974 615798.95 59323 968291 810

Approximatively 79.82% of the games are played to their end, while 20.18% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. PINHEIRO: 252 181 rounds played
  2. pripri: 205 679 rounds played
  3. guegueu: 202 508 rounds played
  4. xandentro: 175 260 rounds played
  5. GilCuritiba: 160 064 rounds played
  6. Lancelote : 157 999 rounds played
  7. marcelo: 148 452 rounds played
  8. brasil2021: 147 946 rounds played
  9. wandinho: 147 603 rounds played
  10. Galo-Doido: 140 717 rounds played
  11. Contraventor: 134 425 rounds played
  12. cleitao-sp: 116 790 rounds played
  13. ssilva1: 112 265 rounds played
  14. chicobento: 105 245 rounds played
  15. zorro: 103 436 rounds played
  16. mj-bear: 102 563 rounds played
  17. cruzeiro: 97 995 rounds played
  18. SimoneBh: 97 158 rounds played
  19. anahel: 94 833 rounds played
  20. ana.mell: 92 202 rounds played
  21. Oliveira: 90 368 rounds played
  22. rikuku: 89 812 rounds played
  23. yoda: 89 351 rounds played
  24. jamesrslagle: 82 201 rounds played
  25. kellerson: 80 635 rounds played
  26. DaianeJaning: 79 057 rounds played
  27. Glsilva: 74 070 rounds played
  28. bullswool: 73 873 rounds played
  29. pavesi: 71 286 rounds played
  30. Saturnin: 69 947 rounds played

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