Statistics: Citadels

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General game statistics of Citadels

Last reset: Oct 12 2018 21:00:00

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
1 (100%) 0 (0%) 1 (0%)
Deutsch 1 (0.63%) 158 (99.37%) 159 (0.07%)
English 3 608 (5.42%) 62 908 (94.58%) 66 516 (28.37%)
Español 1 737 (3.57%) 46 972 (96.43%) 48 709 (20.77%)
Français 610 (1.15%) 52 283 (98.85%) 52 893 (22.56%)
Italiano 149 (0.85%) 17 350 (99.15%) 17 499 (7.46%)
Português 1 950 (6.33%) 28 840 (93.67%) 30 790 (13.13%)
русский 431 (3.24%) 12 865 (96.76%) 13 296 (5.67%)
Srpski 18 (0.39%) 4 611 (99.61%) 4 629 (1.97%)
Total 8 505 (3.63%) 225 987 (96.37%) 234 492
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
1 (100%) 0 (0%) 1 (0%)
Deutsch 1 (0.63%) 158 (99.37%) 159 (0.07%)
English 3 608 (5.42%) 62 907 (94.58%) 66 515 (28.37%)
Español 1 737 (3.57%) 46 970 (96.43%) 48 707 (20.77%)
Français 610 (1.15%) 52 283 (98.85%) 52 893 (22.56%)
Italiano 149 (0.85%) 17 350 (99.15%) 17 499 (7.46%)
Português 1 950 (6.33%) 28 839 (93.67%) 30 789 (13.13%)
русский 431 (3.24%) 12 865 (96.76%) 13 296 (5.67%)
Srpski 18 (0.39%) 4 611 (99.61%) 4 629 (1.97%)
Total 8 505 (3.63%) 225 983 (96.37%) 234 488

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
~Games~234 492116811.73 47942 353
~Rounds~234 488116811.73 47942 353
~RoundsInFinishedGames~234 492116811.73 47942 353

Approximatively 100% of the games are played to their end, while 0% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. Gaia: 14 559 games played
  2. gjoko: 6 574 games played
  3. Batoou: 4 792 games played
  4. Cathie: 4 125 games played
  5. miriam: 3 690 games played
  6. starisloven: 3 253 games played
  7. WALID: 2 863 games played
  8. welton: 2 373 games played
  9. joris: 2 237 games played
  10. Maclarem: 2 163 games played
  11. JayMoney: 2 005 games played
  12. Atlas357: 1 972 games played
  13. bryanelrey: 1 848 games played
  14. sofi53: 1 839 games played
  15. dinomind: 1 763 games played
  16. nirvana10: 1 725 games played
  17. denchik34: 1 719 games played
  18. rafa-simoes: 1 488 games played
  19. valissimo: 1 487 games played
  20. ioan.tichir: 1 431 games played
  21. senhor-rapaz: 1 304 games played
  22. windy: 1 289 games played
  23. mauriciopan: 1 248 games played
  24. Edyth: 1 189 games played
  25. Chejo: 1 177 games played
  26. orangina : 1 147 games played
  27. smartrc: 1 145 games played
  28. emanuelselaru: 1 084 games played
  29. dj.andres: 1 081 games played
  30. maicol55: 1 078 games played

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